Civics Review Form One - Questions & Answers - All Topics

Welcome to our website, in this post you will find Civics Review Form One - Questions & Answers, Form One Civics Revision Questions All Topics, Download Civics Form One Questions With Answers, CIVICS FORM ONE Online Topical Examination For Secondary Schools In Tanzania, All Topical Exams Are Prepared According To The Current Syllabus.


1. Suppose you have attended the debate in your school and the motion state that “Civics subject is more important than Biology subject”. Being in proposer side, defend the motion with five points.

Civics is the study of rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens which deals with the organization, structure and governance in society, people’s way of life as well as their individual and civic rights. It includes the study of civil laws and citizens’ code of conduct. 

The following are the reasons on why Civics subject is more important than Biology subject;

To understand human rights. Civics helps the people in a community to understand the human rights that are practiced by the people, society and government in a country, such rights may include right to life, right to worship

To understand duties and responsibilities. Civics enables people to know their duties and responsibilities of citizens in a community. For instance to understand their duties and responsibilities in the working places, protection of environment, assisting people with disabilities etc

To create good relationship. Studying Civics helps people and leaders in a country to establish good relationship with other nations and other communities. For example relationship that was formed between East African countries

• To promote peace and security. Also through studying civics, people learn various ways of protecting the community and to ensure the safety of people and their properties in a community.

• To understand population dynamic. Studying Civics enables people in a community to identify the impact of the population growth in the country and its impacts in the political and socio- economic development in the country.

2. Is Civics subject related with other subject? Give five evidence to prove your answer

Civics is the study of rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens which deals with the organization, structure and governance in society, people’s way of life as well as their individual and civic rights. It includes the study of civil laws and citizens’ code of conduct. 

The following are the relationship between Civics subject with other subjects;

Civics is related to History through learning about various national festivals which reflect past events in our country and the world. Through these national festivals people learn important lessons which elaborate on the past, present and predict the future.

Civics is related with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through learning issues of globalization that help people to develop awareness on contribution, challenges and adverse impacts of ICT in the world.

Civics is related to Language. People can exercise freedom of expression and association through language. In some countries like Tanzania, language is one of the national symbols

Civics is related to Geography which addresses issues of environmental conservation and sustainability of natural resources. In this view, Civics promotes citizens’ commitment in protecting geographical boundaries and public resources through patriotism attitudes acquired from Civics.


Civics is related to science subjects. Civics underscores the needs of citizens to develop life skills necessary for social adjustment. Through Civics, people learn reproductive health education, for example Biology subject may act as an important tool for encouraging citizens to avoid risky behavior such as smoking, alcoholism and unhealthy relationships which could otherwise lead to Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. In this view, Civics enables students to understand these aspects and become healthy and good citizens.

3. I think you have studied Civics subject very well, no doubt about it. Identify seven field where the knowledge and skills obtained from studying Civics can be applied

Civics is the study of rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens which deals with the organization, structure and governance in society, people’s way of life as well as their individual and civic rights. It includes the study of civil laws and citizens’ code of conduct. 

The following are the field of studying Civics subject;

Governance and Government. Governance means the manner in which a country is governed. It looks the ways in which decisions, processes and activities are determined and implemented. By Government refers to the instrument used to govern a country. the study of Civics enables students to understand these aspects and become responsible Citizen

International relations. There are social, economic and political relationships among the countries in the world. Studying Civics help a students to understand the relationship among the countries in the world.

Civic engagement. This involves participating in activities intended to improve the quality of life in one’s community by addressing issues of public concern. Studying Civics enables a students to understand their rights and responsibilities in a society

Human rights. In Civics, human rights refer to basic and fundamental values and freedom that a person has because he or she is a human being. The knowledge of rights enables students to be aware of their rights so as to demand and protect them.

Moral and family values. The development of a society and a nation at large depends on strong morals and values at individual and family levels. Civics, therefore, introduces students to the discussion of social morals, family values and life skills. Knowledge and skills under this theme enable students to manage conflicts and address violence, crimes, gender discrimination and child abuse.

Cultural issues. The study of Civics introduces students to different cultural practices found in the country. Therefore, the knowledge acquired from Civics enables students to become aware of their culture and that of others, to enhance respect and peace in the society.

Economic issues. Civics promotes awareness and participation of citizens in production, consumption and distribution of resources and hence prepares students to become better participants in economic activities for their personal and national development.



1. Assume you have given the task by your Civics subject teacher to demonstrate components of the Tanzanian nation to your fellow students, which five components will you demonstrate?

Nation is a large group of people with complete autonomy who live in a particular geographical location and who have their own sovereignty, culture, history and government. 

The following are some of the components of Tanzanian nation;

Boundaries or Territories. These are dividing lines between the areas belonging to. Tanzania has the boundaries which is bordered with eight countries

Sovereignty. Sovereignty is the ability and freedom of Tanzania to exercise its power by governing itself. This means that, there is no any external power which controls the activities of our nation. The basic features of sovereignty are; presence of well defined boundaries, presence of population that share common culture and has an international recognition

People. This refers to the population which is belongs to a particular country and living in a clearly defined area. In Tanzania, according to the Census of 2022 the population of Tanzania was more than 61 million people.

Government. Government is administrative organ of the country which consists of officials who run the affairs of the nation. The Tanzanian government has the power to administer and manage the activities of the people within the country. In Tanzania for example we use republic government in which the head of the state is president who is assisted by other politicians who are elected by people to run the state affairs. Tanzania as a nation, has two government namely; United Republic of Tanzania and Revolutionary government of Zanzibar (SMZ).

Culture. Culture is the total ways of peoples live in a given community which comprises the customs and beliefs of particular group of people. Also culture in any given community may consist of people’s art, language, history, way of living and social organizations. Any nation should has the culture which is practiced by the people of that particular country.

2. Mr. Zawadi is a chairperson of Mshikamano village, he provided a speech to the community on the importance of having the sovereign government in Tanzania. As a form four student who studied Civics subject, support Mr. Zawadi with five points.

Sovereignty is the supreme power of a state that a particular nation has the ability and freedom to make its decisions and exercise its affairs without interference from other nations. This means that, there is no any external power which controls the activities of that nation. 

The following are the importance of having sovereign government in Tanzania;

To maintain good relationship. A sovereignty state promotes good relationship with other nations due to the existence of good foreign policy.

To maintain peace and security of a nation. The sovereignty in a state ensures the presence of peace and security in a country due to the making the laws of the state.

It brings national stability. A sovereignty in the country is important because its existence enables a nation to form its policies for the development in a country

It is the sign of freedom in a state. The Citizens in a sovereign state become free from the external domination from other nations.


It helps a country to exercise its power. Sovereignty enables the leaders in a country to operate the state affairs freely without being interfered with other states

3. You as a Civics expert, explain to your community by giving five points, why you think there is importance to teach the national symbols of Tanzania from nursery school education?

National symbols are the marks or signs that are designed to identify a nation as independent and sovereign state. Tanzania as a nation has its own national symbols which differentiate from other nations. 

The following are the importance on why it is important to teach national symbols to the students of all levels in Tanzania;

Signs of National freedom. The national symbols of Tanzania indicate the existence of national freedom in our country since independence. This show that, Tanzania is independent country in the world

A unifying tool for Tanzanians. Sometimes these symbols act as the combine that united people as a single unit in Tanzania.

Sense of proud. Those national symbols makes citizens of Tanzania feel proud of their country due to the presence of freedom of exercising their power

Feel the love as a citizen of Tanzania. These symbols express a sense of belonging to Tanzania and Africa

Act as identification. The national symbol in the country stand as the identity for international recognition that Tanzania is an independent state.

4. The National Anthem of Tanzania has two stanzas, and it is sung by the citizens to inculcate the sense of patriotism. As a citizen of Tanzania, briefly explain any five special occasions when the National Anthem of Tanzania is sung.

National anthem is the official song of the nation which reflects national feelings, desire, glory and pride of people’s nationality. 

National anthem of Tanzania is sung on the special occasions as follows;

President is about to address the nation. The national anthem of Tanzania is sung when before the President of the united republic of Tanzania address the nation and after finishing the address

At the opening of international events. Also the national anthem of Tanzania is sung at the opening the national event such as international football match, conference and boxing

When the president or vice president visits another country. The national anthem of Tanzania is sung when the President or vice-president of the united republic of Tanzania visits another country.

On the announcement of the death of the top government leaders. The national anthem of Tanzania is sung during the announcement of the death of one top leader of the government such as President, vice president or prime minister.

When president is about to inspect a guard of honor. Also the national anthem of Tanzania when the President of the united republic of Tanzania is about to inspect a guard of honor of the defense forces of Tanzania


5. There are great efforts which are put forward to promote and honor the national festivals in Tanzania, but the big problem is that, many people know nothing about these festivals. As a stakeholder toward this, educate the community to understand at least five public national festivals of Tanzania.

National festivals are the special days created by the state to celebrate the important national events in the country. During the day of celebrating, the government exempts people from doing any government or official works, and therefore people are required to rest. 

The following are some of the public national festivals of Tanzania;

Independence Day. This day falls on 09th December every year to celebrate the attainment of independence Tanganyika, on 09th December 1961.

Revolution day. This day falls on 12th January every year to celebrate the overthrown of the sultan’s government in Zanzibar and form the majority government under the leadership of Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume. It was occurred on 12th January 1964.

Union day. This day falls on 26th April every year to celebrate the day in which Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form United Republic of Tanzania. It was on 26th April 1964

Nyerere day. This day falls on 14th October every year to celebrate the memorial of the death of our first president, Julius Kambarage Nyerere who died on 14th October 1999.

Karume day. This day falls on 07th April every year to commemorate the assassination of the first president of Zanzibar Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume who died on 07th April 1972

Sabasaba day. This day falls on 07th July every year to celebrate the trade exhibition. Many traders from within and outside the country are invited to participate in this exhibition

Nanenane day(farmers’ day). This day falls on 08th August every year to celebrate the farmers and traders to exhibit their agricultural products, farm implements and machinery. It was conducted through the chosen of one region in a certain district in that region as the national day for celebration.

6. Imagine you are the ward executive officer, explain to your community, why there is important to celebrate the national festivals in Tanzania?

National festivals are the special days created by the state to celebrate the important national events in the country. During the day of celebrating, the government exempts people from doing any government or official works, and therefore people are required to rest. In Tanzania, these days are known as public holiday. 

The following are the importance of national festivals in Tanzania;

Reflection of particular events. Within a community there are various events that take place in a day- to- day. Some of these events become profound consideration within the country due to its important. These days mark a reflection on the important events, hence make people be aware of them.

They unify people together. These days combine people from different localities and make them feel as one.

Enhance people’s common culture. These days strengthens and enhance unity, solidarity, cooperation and fraternity among people who share common culture and history.


Source of recreation. These are part of recreational activities as many professional workers and entertainment always accompany those events

To identify the problems facing the communities. These events help leaders to identify problems face the societies


1. In five points, explain the interpersonal skills that bring good social relationship among the people in a society


Life skills are personal and social methods which give an individual the knowledge to deal with his or her daily life. Life skills also enable a person to know what to do at a certain time and what not to do. Life skills enable a person to live well in the society which enables a person to manage his or her life properly. 

However, the following are the skills which bring good social relationship among the people in a society;

Forming good relationship. Relationship refers to the way in which people interact and behave towards others. Relationship can be children and parents or students and teachers as well as peer neighbors or relatives. Forming relationship is the ability for people to meet and relate with others in various places such as schools, playing ground and social gathering. Good relationships have good effect on a people’s life. Being able to form good relationship enables one to know how to behave properly in each relationship.

Forming friendship. This is the ability of an individual to make friends with people whom he or she can share activities, ideas, joy and sadness. This life skill enables an individual to form bonds with people and thus prevent loneliness. Interpersonal relationship is done through friendship formation.

Peer resistance/ peer pressure. Peer pressure is the situation whereby one’s friends influence him or her to do something. Our friends can influence us to do good or bad things. Peer resistance helps an individual take control of his or her life by resisting negative influence from others.

Empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand other people’s feeling and feel concerned about their problem. Many people are faced with different problems so it is better to empathize other people’s feeling in their problems.

Negotiation. This is the ability to agree on issues without undermining or going against one’s principles. It is an important skill when disagreements occurred. Negotiation skills help to avoid misunderstanding on issues and help to build good understanding between people in the community.

2. Explain by using five points, which types of life skills will you recommend to your friend who is not getting along well with his friends?

Life skills are personal and social methods which give an individual the knowledge to deal with his or her daily life. Life skills also enable a person to know what to do at a certain time and what not to do. Life skills enable a person to live well in the society which enables a person to manage his or her life properly.

Negotiation. This is the ability to agree on issues without undermining or going against one’s principles. It is an important skill when disagreements occurred. Negotiation skills help to avoid misunderstanding on issues and help to build good understanding between people in the community.

Forming good relationship. Relationship refers to the way in which people interact and behave towards others. Relationship can be children and parents or students and teachers as well as peer neighbors or relatives. Forming relationship is the ability for people to meet and relate with others in various places.


Forming friendship. This is the ability of an individual to make friends with people whom he or she can share activities, ideas, joy and sadness. This enables an individual to form bonds with people and thus prevent loneliness. Interpersonal relationship is done through friendship formation.

Empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand other people’s feeling and feel concerned about their problem. Many people are faced with different problems such as death of one’s parent, husband or other relatives, so it is better to empathize other people’s feeling in their problems. This skill enables people to share their friends’ problems in the society wisely and sensibly.

3. Tanzania is the one among of the peaceful country in the world, but most of its citizens are affected with the problem of managing their stress. If you have given the chance to deliver talk on the mechanisms of managing stress, which five points will you consider?

Stress is a mental, emotional or physical tension or pressure resulted from a problem and life challenges. It can be caused by the events such as bad examination results, divorce, death of family member or friend, broken of the relationship low family income and even unwanted and planned pregnancies. Failure to manage stress may cause many problems like committed to suicide to an individual. 

The following are the ways that can be used in managing stress;

Managing time. This is achieved by preparing a timetable or schedule helpful for arranging activities in an organized manner. Having a timetable will help you to get rid of unnecessary stress.

Living an organized life. In order to manage stress, a person is required to live in an organized life, especially religious organized faith. Living in that way will help a person to manage stress.

Having a positive attitude. Being positive and avoiding focusing on negative aspects of life protects one’s mental health. For example instead of being upset about the family problems like marital conflicts, be positive and seek ways to solve the problem.

Finding a social support system. Spend time with friends, other family members and people who love, care about and support you. a strong support system will enable a person to share with them negative feeling and pain.

Exercising and leisure. Physical exercise gives a person an opportunity to get rid of his or her negative feelings. Take time to do leisure things like watching movies, reading beautiful story books etc.

4. In five points, assess the institutions through which children can learn different life skills in their daily life

Life skills are personal and social methods which give an individual the knowledge to deal with his or her daily life. Life skills also enable a person to know what to do at a certain time and what not to do. Life skills enable a person to live well in the society which enables a person to manage his or her life properly. The following are the institutions through which the children can acquire life skills;

Family. This is the primary and first source through which a person (child), can life skills. Parents, guardians and other relative are the primary source from whom we learn different life skills.

School. Also the children can learn the life skills through education acquired from school. It is expected that, the knowledge and skills acquired will be useful in their daily lives


Religion. Good religious teachings help us to get skills which enable the people to get skills which enable us to live harmoniously in the society. Religious teachings sharpen children’s behavior and conduct to become acceptable members.

Friends. Our friends help us to acquire various life skills due to the exchanging of our ideas. Children acquire some life skills either by observing or working with them

Society. The way people live allow an individual to learn what is expected of him or her. Since children live with others, they learn good manners, good behavior and skills through interacting with others

5. It is true that, failure to apply life skills may lead to the social problem in a society. As the member of the society, explain five advantages of applying life skills in our daily life

Life skills are personal and social methods which give an individual the knowledge to deal with his or her daily life. Life skills also enable a person to know what to do at a certain time and what not to do. Life skills enable a person to live well in the society which enables a person to manage his or her life properly. The following are the advantages of applying life skills

Encourage people to make good decisions. Life skills enable us to make the proper decision in life on different matters.

Source of good morals. Also life skills enable an individual to develop good behavior which will enable him/her to live well in the community and avoid bad friendship

It brings love in the community. Due to life skills, people may increase love and understanding among themselves.

It makes an individual to tolerate on various unfortunate issues. Life skills enable an individual to handle and respond various unfortunate occurred in the community like divorce, death of friend and relative or any form of harassment.

It maintains peace and orders. Life skills maintain peace and order by solving various problems in the society.

6. “Failure to obtain and use life skills cause many problems.” This statement was said by the psychologist who addressed the group of youth and parents. Being among the youth who attended there, propose five problems that are associated with his statement.

Life skills are personal and social methods which give an individual the knowledge to deal with his or her daily life. Life skills also enable a person to know what to do at a certain time and what not to do. 

The following are the problems that could happen due to the failure to apply life skills

Improper choices. Failure to apply life skills may make people to make wrong choices in the communities

Rise of conflicts. Conflicts may occur among the people in the community if a person does not apply life skills. In addition, failure to build and maintain positive relationships leads to conflicts with others


May lead to immoral behavior. Youth may get into bad behavior and result in things like drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, etc

Lack of empathy. This may lead to the increase of suffering for those who have problems. Those who have no such problem may not understand their circumstances

May results to poor leadership. Poor leadership in the societies due to the lack of using life skills.



1. Tanzania is the signatory of practicing human rights to its citizens. In five points, explain the roles of the government of Tanzania in promoting and protecting the human rights

Human rights are the basic things that all human being are entitled to and no one should interfere with. That rights, include right to life, right to worship, right to work etc. human rights should be given to everyone just because of his or her humanity. 

The following are the roles of the government in promoting and protecting human rights in Tanzania;

To set up the commission on human rights and good governance. The Government of Tanzania created the human rights commission and good governance, this ensure the promoting and protecting human rights

Including them in Constitution. The government of Tanzania always promotes and protects the human rights by recognizing and including them in the constitution

Accept international obligation. The government accepts and respect international obligation on human rights. Tanzania accepts various international agreements on human rights. Example Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Ensuring employment opportunities. The government ensures the employment opportunities to its citizens that enable people to access their living.

Allowing non- governmental organization. The government of Tanzania allows the existence of Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) to operate in the country that promote Human Rights. Examples of organizations TAMWA, TAWLA, TGNP etc

2. Assume you are the member of Amnesty International, explain to a community by giving five points, why the government of Tanzania and other organizations put the efforts to promote and protect the human rights in the country?

Human rights are the basic things that all human being are entitled to and no one should interfere with. That rights, include right to life, right to worship, right to work etc. human rights should be given to everyone just because of his or her humanity. 

The following are the reasons why the government of Tanzania promote and protect human rights;

They reduce crimes. Human rights reduce the rate of crime in the societies like killing one another, example right to life.

They help people to secure education. Human rights enable people to get education and reduce the number of illiterate people in the societies.

They bring equality to all people. Human rights enable all citizens to be treated equally regardless their race, religion, social status or tribe.

They bring free movement of people. Human rights allow people to move from one place to another that help people to build social relationship with other countries.

They bring freedom to the people. Human rights help people to exercise their freedom in the societies, like exchanging ideas and providing their opinions freely.


3. Every person in Tanzania is obliged to practice his or her human rights accordingly without annoying others. In the light of this statement provide five reasons why the government of Tanzania put some limitations in practicing individuals’ rights?

Human rights limitations are the boundaries to the extent of practicing individual human rights. Every person has the rights to exercise his or her things accordingly; there is no absolute freedom as all freedom within certain boundaries. 

However the following are the purpose of putting the limitations in practicing of individuals rights;

To protect the rights of others. This happens when the conflicts of rights occurs, certain rights sometimes need to be limited in order to protect the rights of others

To protect the public health. Some rights must be limited to some extent in order to protect the public health, for example, some people who suffer from epidemic disease may have their freedom of movement restricted in order to protect other people from such disease.

National security. Freedom of movement may be restricted if it interferes with the protection of the state’s security. Similarly, publishing government secrets, in exercise of freedom of expression, can be harmful to state security.

To protect public morals. Protecting public morals is sometimes cited as a reason to limit individual’s right. For example, it may be used to limit freedom of expression in the interests of regulating inappropriate films.

Maintain social peace and harmony. Peace and harmony can bring a peaceful and stable order to society and they are a necessary condition for survival and development of mankind.

4. Tanzania is one among African countries that are still suffering from incidences of human rights abuse. To what extent is this a valid claim? Give five points

Human rights abuse is the unlawful prevention of a person enjoyment of his or her rights as outlined in the constitution. Human rights abuse may include raping women and children, child labor, increase of corruption, forced marriages, early marriages, etc. 

The following are the factors that indicate the existence of human rights abuse in Tanzania;

Beating and killing suspected criminals. Some people in a community beat and kill people who are termed as criminals like thieves. This is totally violation of human rights

Increase of social crimes. There are increase of social crimes in the societies like raping and robbery and stealing. The existence of these crimes is the violation of human rights

Increase of stigmatizing the less fortunate people. Some are stigmatized by other people in a society because of their less fortunate like people living with HIV/AIDS. Stigmatization is the violation of human rights

Presence of early marriages. Some societies in Tanzania still practice and allow the marriages of children who have below 18 years. The existence of these marriages is the violation of human rights

Presence of corruption and abuse of power. Some people in the public offices are taking corruption and misuse of their power for their benefits. This is the violation of human rights.


5. Although the presence of human rights in Tanzania ensure the justice to the people in the country, but there is the problem of human rights abuse in many societies in the country. Provide five factors that signify the impacts of this problem in Tanzania.

Human rights abuse is the unlawful prevention of a person enjoyment of his or her rights as outlined in the constitution. Human rights abuse may include raping women and children, child labor, increase of corruption, forced marriages, early marriages, etc. 

The following are the impacts of human rights abuse in Tanzania;

Occurrence of conflicts. Human rights abuse in the society may lead to the rise of conflicts and misunderstanding among the people in a community

Increase of crimes and poverty. Also existence of acts that indicate human rights abuse lead to the increase of crimes such as stealing, robbery etc

Rise of political instability in the state. Due to human rights abuse in a community, may lead to misunderstanding which ultimately lead to political conflicts in a country.

May denies people to secure the basic social services. Human rights abuse may make the citizens not to get their basic needs and social services properly

Increase of oppression and humiliation. Oppression and humiliation may increase, especially to the less fortunate members in the society.

6. Despite of good human rights records in the country, Tanzania still suffer from the problem of human rights abuse. You as a member from amnesty international, propose five ways of combating with this problem in Tanzania

Human rights abuse is the unlawful prevention of a person enjoyment of his or her rights as outlined in the constitution. Human rights abuse may include raping women and children, child labor, increase of corruption, forced marriages, early marriages,

The following are the ways that should be taken to combat with human rights abuse in Tanzania;

Enhance the rule of laws and good governance. The government has to maintain the rule of laws in the state

Provision of public education. Government and non-governmental organizations should educate citizens about their rights

To maintain respect in a community. The society has to respect all people in the country regardless their background such as races, religion or tribe

Ensuring the justice to all people. The court of laws should enforce them in a just manner and punish those who abuse the rights

There should be the system of controlling the activities of the government. This will make the government to be transparent in its activities.



1. Juma and Ally are both citizens of Tanzania, give five privileges provided to them by the government. Citizenship is the condition that gives a person the legal right to belong to a particular country with all rights and duties in the country. 

Being a citizen of Tanzania there are some privileges that a citizen can be provided as follows;

It gives people the freedom of practicing their rights. This will enables a person to exercise his or her legal rights in the country like right to vote without any kind of discrimination.

It encourages citizens’ participation. It allows a person to participate in civil activities in the country such as voting and attending political gathering

It ensures provision of social services to the citizens. It enables a person to get services which are provided by the government to the citizens only, example free education

It enables a person to get protection. It enables the citizens to get security which is provided by the government to the citizens

It involved the citizens in various activities. It enables the citizens to be involved in important activities for their own development.

2. Matata lived in Tanzania illegally for two years now. There are some problems that he is facing. You as a citizen of Tanzania, justify five harmful conditions that Matata face as a result of violating the law of our country.

Citizenship is the condition that gives a person the legal right to belong to a particular country with all rights and duties in the country. 

The following are the harmful condition that a person who live Tanzania illegally can face;

Lacking of protection. The person will not have protection while living in the country, and ultimately will put his life at a risk of insecurity.

Lacking of his freedom. The person will not have the freedom of expression and movement and other rights

Can be termed as enemy and criminal. People in the country will consider the person who is illegally staying in the country as an enemy and criminal

Lack the participation in various activities in the country. The person will not be involved in important activities for his own development in social, political and economic

Lack the right to be employed in sensitive areas. The person cannot be employed in areas such in the military and ministries for security reasons.

3. As the community development officer, explain to the community five points on how the people should undertake their responsibilities effectively as the citizens of Tanzania

Responsibilities are the roles and duties that a person is required to perform as a citizen of a certain country. Any citizen of Tanzania has to do certain things in the country that make him or her accountable as the citizen of Tanzania. 

The following are some of the responsibilities of the citizens of Tanzania;

Defending resources wisely. A responsible citizen is required to use natural resources in a good way for the coming generation


Provide security to the country and its government. A good citizen is required to ensure security of his or her country. He or she must be ready to defend and serve the country at any time to do so.

Loyalty (honestly). A good citizen must be has feeling of allegiance to his or her country and its government

Be cooperative with others. A good citizen must show and make cooperation with other citizens in the country.

Takes care of himself or herself. A good citizen must ensure self security against any dangerous acts

4. As a citizen of Tanzania, identify and explain five different special groups in Tanzania which need special care from a community

Special groups are those groups of people who face or experience the difficulties of interacting with their environment. These people need special care and they should be assisted when they cannot carry out their responsibilities and duties. 

The following are the some special groups in Tanzania that need special care;

Street children. These are the children who live in street due to the various reasons from their families. They stay on the streets because they have no place to live. This group is common in urban areas

Old Aged People/Elderly. These are people who have advanced age. Because of their age, they cannot work effectively to get their living like young men because they become less energetic. Their age some time may cause poor eyesight, poor muscle control, physical and mental disabilities. Elderly people need special care.

Refugees. These are people who migrate from their countries and go to live and settle in foreign countries because of insecurity in their home countries.

People with Disabilities. This is the group of people who face variety of problems such as mental disabilities and physical disabilities. They are into two groups, namely; Mental retarded group Physical impaired group

People with HIV/AIDS. These are people who are infected with Human Immune deficiency virus. The viruses attack the white blood cells that protect the human body from infection and diseases. These people are facing with many problems such lack of basic needs, stigmatizing from the communities and they feel inferior to the communities.

5. Social, political and economic problems contribute to the occurrence of refugees in many parts of Africa. As a member from UNHCR, identify five factors that signify the problems facing refugees in many African countries


Refugees are people who migrate from their countries and go to live and settle in foreign countries because of insecurity in their home countries. Refugees may resulted from the number of reasons in social, political and economic reasons. However

The following are the problems that face refugees

They lack education. Refugees sometimes loose the chance to secure education for their children.

They lack food. Most of the refugees are faced with the problem of food shortage because they don’t have access to possess land for production to the countries they migrated

They lack proper housing. The refugees usually live in camps and tents are their main houses. They don’t have ability or permission to build the houses to foreign countries they migrated. This is common problem to the most refugees’ camps.

Their families are separated. Because the moved from one place to another and sometimes one family may go into two different countries

Poor security of their health. The refugees always face the problem of proper security. They can be affected by the explosion diseases like cholera due to lack of health care

6. In many of the developing countries in Africa, there is the problem of refugees. As an officer from UNHCR, explain five root causes of the refugees in a community

Refugees are people who migrate from their countries and go to live and settle in foreign countries because of insecurity in their home countries. Refugees may resulted from the number of reasons in social, political and economic reasons as follows;

Political and social conflicts. The conflicts that emerged in their home countries such as intertribal wars may lead to refugees groups

Political instabilities. Rise of political unrest may lead to the occurrence of civil wars in their home countries

Economic problems. The economic hardship such as lack of food may lead to the rise of refugees

Natural hazards. Occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods etc may lead to the refugees

Rise of the wars between the states. The occurrence of the wars between the countries especially neighboring countries may lead to the refugees

7. Suppose you are the head of charity development group in your village, propose five needs of various special groups to be undertaken by the community in order to brings good relationship among the people in a society

Special groups are those groups of people who face or experience the difficulties of interacting with their environment. These people need special care and they should be assisted when they cannot carry out their responsibilities and duties. 

The following are the needs of special groups;

Acceptance. The people in a special group need acceptance and the right to be heard by others

Provision special services. They need special services like others. People in a community are supposed to engage themselves in providing the special care to the needy

Provide special care to them. The people in a special group need special attention because of their disabilities

Showing them empathy. They need empathy, they should not be blamed for their disabilities


Giving them equal rights. The people in the special group need all citizens’ rights like others such as right to vote.

8. In five points, show to what extent the citizens of Tanzania are responsible towards different special groups in the country?

Responsibilities are the roles and duties that a person is required to perform as a citizen of a certain country. Any citizen of Tanzania has to do certain things in the country that make him or her accountable as the citizen of Tanzania. 

The following are some of the responsibilities of the citizens of Tanzania toward the special groups;

Give them assistance whenever necessary. Assisting these people by providing materials and financial support.

Give them good interaction. Interacting with them at home and in the community meeting and allowing them to express their opinions and feelings

Showing them respect and understanding. Respect will value them and they feel comfortable to express their opinions

Give them education. Providing education to all depending on their special needs

Supporting them physically, for example when they are crossing the road

Providing counseling and socialization. This will enable them to be free from stress

9. By giving five points, explain why do you think most of the African countries are the victims of the problem of street children?

These are the children who live in street due to the various reasons from their families. They stay on the streets because they have no place to live. This is caused by the many problems such as poverty, family disintegration, abuse from their parents or guardians and even death of their parents. This problem is common in many of the African countries. 

The following are the reasons for street children;

Poverty from their families. Due to poverty, they lack basic needs, so they go to the streets to satisfy their needs

Family disintegration. The separation of family may result to the occurrence of street children

Cruelty from the parents or guardians. Sometimes, abuse of the parents or guardians may lead to the streets children.

Death of their parents. The death of the parents may lead to the lack of basic needs to the children, this will make them to start their living in the streets

Lack of family care. The failure of the parents to take care of their children may lead to the street children

10. Consider yourself as an officer from UNICEF, explain to the community five problems facing the streets children in many African countries

These are the children who live in street due to the various reasons from their families. They stay on the streets because they have no place to live. This is caused by the many problems such as poverty, family disintegration, abuse from their parents or guardians and even death of their parents. This problem is common in many of the African countries. 

The following are the problems that face street children;


Problem in getting social services. They lack social services like education and health services

Poor security of their lives. They lack security for their life and property

Hardship in getting basic needs. They lack basic needs such as food and shelters

They live with fright. They live with fear and sometimes they are treated as criminals

They are affected with dangerous social crimes, for example girls can be raped.

1. “There are several factors which affect the career development of a person.” This statement was said by the Minister of works and youth development. As one of youth, propose five factors to support the statement of the Minister.


Career is an occupation or job that someone does for a long period of his or her life. One can have a career in education, nursing etc. the following are the factors that affect once career;

Age. Age play an important role in career development. Some careers need a person of a certain age. Advanced age affect the career development

Health problem and disabilities. Health problem and disabilities may make difficulty to some people to develop their careers

Financial resources. Some people fail to develop their careers because of financial problem. Some careers need a lot of money to develop them. Lack of money may make it difficult to a person to develop his or her career.

Family obligation. Some people fail to develop their careers because of the family matters such as caring a sick person or family responsibilities. All these may affect one’s career development

External motivation. External forces may make difficult to the people to develop their careers. For instance encouragement and approval from people can affect one’s effort to develop his or her career

2. Work and development are inseparable. In the light of this statement, highlights the advantages of works for individual and national development.

Work is any lawful or legal economic activity that a person can do and get his or her income from that activity. It may involve the official and formal employment or even works based on informal employment. People work to produce goods and services that are needed by the communities. It is important to any person in the societies to work in order to earn living. 

The following are the importance of work for individual and national development;

Reduce poverty. Works decrease poverty to both a nation and individual person because the income obtained is used to run the life costs

Works increase income. Always works help both a nation and individual person. Through works a person and government in general will increase their income to facilitate various activities

Works facilitate the development. Also works contribute to the increase of the national and individual development

Growth of economy. Works contribute to the growth of the economy of a nation and individual person

Help to secure social services. Works helps the government to provide social services to the people in the country

3. In five points, show why work is an engine for national development in a country?

Work is any lawful or legal economic activity that a person can do and get his or her income from that activity. It may involve the official and formal employment or even works based on informal employment. People work to produce goods and services that are needed by the communities. It is important to any person in the societies to work in order to earn living. 

The following are the importance of work for national development;


Works reduce poverty to a nation. Through works, a nation may reduce the rate of poverty among its people.

Works increase a national income. Through works, a nation may increase its income by imposing tax to the workers

Works facilitate the development of a nation. A nation employs people to work in different sectors, this may increase the development in a nation

Growth of national economy. Works contribute to the growth of the economy of a nation

Enhance provision of social services. Works enable the government to provide social services needed by people

Increase of production in a nation. Works increase the production of a nation

4. High standard of life and work are inseparable. In the light of this statement, highlight five points on the importance of work to human development

Work is any lawful or legal economic activity that a person can do and get his or her income from that activity. It may involve the official and formal employment or even works based on informal employment. People work to produce goods and services that are needed by the communities. It is important to any person in the societies to work in order to earn living. 

The following are the importance of work for individual development;

Provide employment opportunities to the people. Works provide employment to a person to work in different sectors in a nation.

Help people to satisfy their needs. Works enable people to get their basic needs such as food, clothes etc, and improve their living standard.

Help people to pay tax. Work enables a person to pay tax to his or her government. Through works performed by the people in the country, the government collects taxes that will increase the national income in the country.

Work brings respect to an individual. Through work that a person do, he or she can be respected to his or her community

Reduce poverty to the people. Also works reduce the rate of poverty to the people in a community. Through work, enables a person to run his or her life smoothly against economic hardship.

5. As an economic stakeholder in Tanzania, give five reasons, what will happen if a person stop working in our communities

Work is any lawful or legal economic activity that a person can do and get his or her income from that activity. It may involve the official and formal employment or even works based on informal employment. People work to produce goods and services that are needed by the communities. It is important to any person in the societies to work in order to earn living.

The following are effects of not working


Financial difficulties. Not working can lead to financial difficulties, including struggle to pay bills, rent or mortgage, buying food and other necessities.

Mental health issues. Unemployment can cause mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and stress due to the loss of income, loss of societal values and lack of social interaction.

Reduced opportunities. Being unemployed might decrease the opportunities that one has in the future. For example, missing career development opportunities and potential economic benefits due to reduced job experience and inability to maintain up- to- date job- related skills

Loss of professional identity. Those who have been employed may identify with their professional status and lose that sense of identity when they are not working. The loss of this identity can cause a loss of purpose or direction, especially for those who lack strong definition of self- identities outside the professional realm.

Social isolation. It is hard to maintain social relationships with coworkers or colleagues when one is not working. Lack of social interaction with others can lead to social isolation and detrimental effects on personal relationships.

1. In five points, explain which ways you think social factors contribute to the increase of single- parent family in our societies?

This is the kind of family which consists of only one parent and children. This type of family occurs due to the following factors;

Divorce. This is the legal dissolution of marriage between the married partners.


Death of one parent. If one parent die, there must be occurrence of single- parent family

Birth to unmarried woman. There are some women who do not want to be married, but they just find a man to give her a pregnancy.

Unplanned and early pregnancy. Some of the girls get pregnancy while they are at home without being married

Family conflicts. Usually, the conflicts between husband and wife may lead to the separation of families.

2. You as a family member at your home, what five evidences would you use to show the importance of the family in our societies?

Family is the group of people who are closely related either by blood, marriage or adoption. The family usually started when the man and woman are joined together by marriage to become husband and wife. The aims of getting marriage are companionship and getting children. 

The following are the importance of family;

Family provides a healthy atmosphere in home where children are born and reared. This is due to by bringing up children who will be honest, trust and responsible people in the society.

Provide social services. It also provides social services to the community as it is the nucleus of the community and transmits good social values from one generation to another.

Promote peace and love. Family enhances love and solidarity among people especially in those living in an extended family

Family also helps people to perform different tasks at the same time. Such task cannot be performed by an individual. For example a mother does the cooking while the father chops firewood

It develops good morals. This is due to the parents and other family relatives like grandparents to teach their children good moral standards

It promotes economic development. Family promotes development of an individual members due to the sharing of required attitudes

3. In five points, explain why family stability contributes to the increase of the development in a society? 

Family stability is the family that maintains peace, love, respect, trust and good morals. The essential demands of the family are also taken care of. 

The following are the advantages of family stability.

Brings participation in the family. It enables the family members to participate in socio-economic activities such as studying and working hard for the well being of the family

Promote good habits among the family members. It ensures that family members engage in good habits and activities which in turn reduces incidents of crime in a country

To ensures peace and security in the family. Family stability also is a basis for peace and stability in a country because peace always begins at lowest level

Creates freedom to the family members. Family members may feel free to participate in environmental conservation by planting trees and avoid any kind of pollution


It ensures good continuity of a family. Children may be encouraged to start their own families and consequently ensure the lineage or continuity of the family.

4. By giving five points, explain the consequences that may result due to the failure of parents to fulfill their responsibilities in the families

Responsibilities are the duties that a person is obliged to fulfill and would be blamed if one fail to do it or did it wrongly. Each family member has his or her own duties for the benefit of the family and the community at large. Some problems of failure to fulfill responsibilities are as follows;

Family instability. Family instability may occur because of the family members fail to fulfill their responsibilities of the family.

Conflict in the family. Conflicts may rise because of the frequent misunderstanding among the family members.

Breakdown of the family. The failure to fulfill ones responsibilities in a family may cause to the breakdown of that particular family. This may rise due to the quarrels and frequent misunderstanding

Lack of basic needs. Failure to fulfill the responsibility may lead to failure to secure the basic needs. This can occur because of the failure of the family members to take their responsibilities effectively

Can result to the street children. Also failure to fulfill the responsibilities in a family may lead to the occurrence of street children in a community. This may occur due to the lack of peace and harmony in the family

1. “The behaviors of the youth in our community always change as the day going on”. This was the statement said by the Minister of youth and development special groups. If you are required to explain root causes of this situation in Tanzania, which five points will you most consider?

Behavior is a result of a person’s ways of doing things in a particular situation which is used to expose him or her to the outside society. Different situation can show the qualities of the people in doing things such as politeness, harshness, cruelty, envy and arrogance. 

The behavior of a person can change according to the many factors as follows;

Genetic inheritance. Some youths change their behavior because the inherit some essential features from their parents

Parental care. Parental care may influence the youth to adopt and change their behavior.

Economic status. Economic status change the behavior of the youth, for example economic hardship may make the youth to engage in illegal activities

Development of science and technology. The use of modern technological devices may lead the youth to have good or bad behavior

Ignorance. Some youth behave improperly because of the lack of education. Education enable people how to behave properly.

2. In many societies today, there is the problem of many youth not behaving properly against their community members. Give five points to explain the factors that are to be considered by the people in a community in order to avoid this problem in Tanzania.

Proper behavior, are those actions which are considered to be good and acceptable to be done and practiced in the society and make a person term as a good behavior. Examples of such actions that indicate proper behavior includes honesty, virtue, love, kindness obedience, sympathy, co-operation. 

The following are the factors that contribute to proper behavior;

Good parental care and guardians. Children may have proper behavior due to the good learning obtained from their parents and guardians

Roles of Mass media. Mass media such as radio and televisions may lead to proper behavior due to the good programs and articles which teach people good behavior.

Proper education. Also education plays an important role in behavioral changes among the youth in a community. Usually, the youth who have proper formal and informal education have the good behavior because they learned good morals from the parents at home and teachers in school

Good friends. Good Friendship also contributes proper behavior among the youth in a community. Good friends guide and counsel each other therefore, they can behave properly

Considering the Religious teaching. Always religions teach the people good things and develop ones spiritual. Those youth who follow proper religious teaching behave properly in the society.

3. “Good morals among the youth in a community are the basic foundations for the national development in the country”. In the light of this statement, give five points to explain the criteria for testing the degree of proper behavior among the youth in Tanzania.

Proper behavior, are those actions which are considered to be good and acceptable to be done and practiced in the society and make a person term as a good behavior. Examples of such actions that indicate proper behavior includes honesty, virtue, love, kindness obedience, sympathy, co-operation. 

The following are the factors that indicate proper behavior;


Good appearance of a person. Good appearance of a person from his or her outlook, including wearing descent dressing make a person termed as he or she has the good behavior

Maintaining respect in a community. Self-respect of a person as well as respect of others including parents and guardians and other people in the society indicate the proper behavior of a person

Use proper language. This means not using abuse language or insulting others or any word that make people angry

Hard working of a person. Working hard by spending time in positive and productive activities such as farming, fishing, trading etc may indicate the proper behavior of a person.

Showing good cooperation with others. Cooperation, such as taking part in a community activities like funerals, wedding and environmental conservation indicate the proper behavior of a person

4. In many societies in Tanzania, there are the challenges of the youth behaving properly. In five points, identify the importance of proper behavior among the youth in a society

Proper behavior, are those actions which are considered to be good and acceptable to be done and practiced in the society and make a person term as a good behavior. Examples of such actions that indicate proper behavior includes honesty, virtue, love, kindness obedience, sympathy, co-operation. 

The following are the importance of proper behavior;

Insure peace and harmony among the people. Proper behavior brings peace and harmony in the society since there is respect among the people

Bring unity and cooperation among the people. Proper behavior brings cooperation among the people in the society as people will cooperate in the different and economic activities.

Maintain the practice of human rights. Proper behavior brings the chance to the people in the society to be free to exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities

Source of development in a community. Proper behave contributes in bringing the development and prosperity in the society through working hard

Prevent the occurrence of crimes. Proper behavior decreases the rate of occurring of the social crimes such as theft, robbery, prostitution,

5. “Many youth today are engaging in smocking and practicing other social crimes as their way of life”. In the light of this statement, assess five root causes of improper behavior among the youth in Tanzania.

Improper behavior, are those actions that are not considered and accepted to be practiced in the society. A person who has such bad actions is termed as a bad man in the society and uncivilized person.

The following factors are the root causes of improper behavior;

Heredity from the family. Some of the youth behave improperly because they inherit genetic features from their parents, or even adopting bad behavior within the family

Lack of parental care. Some parents do not spend more time to teach their children good morals


Poverty from the family. Economic hardship among the youth may force them to engage in illegal activities like stealing

Influence of globalization. The development of science and technology make the youth to behave improperly because the use of modern technological devices such as smart phone lead them to practice bad morals they got from such devices

Lack of religious teachings. Religious teaching influence people to behave properly. Lack of religious teaching among the youth may lead them to engage in illegal activities

6. A discipline master of Busia secondary school has reported an increase of the disciplinary cases in the school due to the students’ misbehavior. In the light of this statement, give five impacts of improper behavior among the youth in a society

Improper behavior, are those actions that are not considered and accepted to be practiced in the society. A person who has such bad actions is termed as a bad man in the society and uncivilized person. 

The following factors are the impacts of improper behavior;

Increase of social crimes in a community. They may lead the people to engage in illegal acts such as drug abuse, robbery, stealing homosexuality etc

Decrease economic development. Those who have improper behavior may not be engaged in productive activities which raise the economy of a community.

Family conflicts may rise. Improper behavior may lead to the family conflicts and in the community at large due to the frequent occurrence of disciplinary cases in the community.

May lead to the spread of disease. Some of the improper behavior such as alcoholism, prostitution may lead to the spread of diseases which lead harm individual health

Can cause death. Those who have improper behavior may die early due to engaging in risky acts such as robbery, theft, drug abuse, prostitution and many others.

7. You have been appointed to tell the youth on how to avoid engaging themselves in immoral behavior, propose five factors to be undertaken into consideration to control and correct the misbehavior of the youth in a society

Improper behavior, are those actions that are not considered and accepted to be practiced in the society. A person who has such bad actions is termed as a bad man in the society and uncivilized person. The following factors are to be considered to correct the improper behavior;

Make healthy friendship with peers who have good behavior. This will help the youth to learn good behavior from them

Serious punishment must be provided. Effective punishment should be provided to those who are committed to done the faults

Provision of education. Public education on good conduct must be given to the people through mass media

Emphasizing good parental care. Parents and guardians should strictly involve themselves in giving discipline to their children

Increase the provision of religious teachings. Religious teaching should be well promote to the young people, starting at their early childhood


8. Your village government is experiencing the difficulties in making proper decisions concerning various development issues in the village. How would you help the village government to improve decisions making process? Give five points

Decision making is the act of reaching a conclusion of a certain problem and choose among the alternatives the best way to solve it. 

The following are the steps to be followed in making proper decisions;

Identifying the problem. Here is the issue a person needs to make a decision on it

Listing possible solution to the problem. Here is to collects information on the possible solutions

Starting the criteria to use. At this stage, the person analyzes the principle to consider in selecting a particular solution and thinking the advantages and disadvantages of each solution

Evaluation on available alternatives. Here a person compares the advantages and disadvantages

Making a decision. Here a person selects the best solution and acts on it

Checking the results. This involves assessing the choice made to determine whether the decision that was made has worked to solve the problem

9. Many of us tend not to take care on the making good decisions. If you are required to educate the community on the importance of responsible decision making, which five points will you consider? 

Responsible Decision making involves making a choice after carefully considering all the options available and using a particular criteria to make the best choice. 

The following are the importance of responsible decision making;

It builds a sense of commitment. This is due to the members of the society involving in decision making that affect them and agree to each other

Proper utilization of resources. It facilitates proper utilization of the available resources like time, people, capital and land

It ensures a sense of equality. This is due to the equal participation of the members in decision making

It creates the efficiency in administration among the workers. This is because members make the decisions on issues that affect them

Enable people to make correct decisions on their issues. It forces the decision makers to be systematic so as to avoid poor or wrong decisions

1. Suppose you have been appointed by the Regional Traffic Officer (RTO) of Tanga region to explain why road safety education should be provided to all students at all levels. Which your five key points you consider?

Road Safety education refers to the general knowledge of being safe from danger when people use the road in their journeys to move from one place to another. This education enables the road users to be free from risks and accidents. 

The following are the importance of providing road safety education;

Reduces roads accident. Road safety education minimize road accidents to the road users who travel from one place to another


It reduces the death among the road users. The death which are resulted from road accidents will be reduced due to the securing road safety education

It increases awareness to the road users. This will make the road users to be carefully on the road which will help them to avoid road accidents

It prevents the damage of the property. Those damaged properties which are resulted from the road accidents will be rescued

It reduces the cost in repairing properties and treating injured people. The cost of repairing damaged properties such as vehicles, motor circles and treating the injured people will be reduced

2. Many roads in Tanzania are constructed with road signs, but the problem remains to the road users who are not obeying them. As Road Safety Ambassador in Tanzania, use five points to educated the road users on the significance of obeying these signs

Road Signs/Traffic signs are symbols near the road which give information or instruction to the road users and tell the road users on how to use the road properly. Road signs carry the message for road users through symbol, shapes and colors that will help the road users to be free from risks and accidents occurred on the road. 

The following are the importance of obeying road signs;

Road signs reduce traffic congestion/jam. Traffic jams occurs frequently especially where road are intersect

They help to minimize road accidents. They help to minimize the road accidents among the road users.

They provide the direction to the road users. They provide the information and instructions to the road users on what to do. This will make the road users aware of what is ahead

They provide equal rights on the roads. They provide equal right to road users and equal access of using the road. Example the pedestrians and cattle when crossing the road

The reduced the use of large numbers of traffic polices on the roads. Also traffic signs simplify the traffic activities on the road. They reduce the burden of using many traffic polices to guide and control the vehicles especially in the unnecessary areas.

3. Many road users are required to obey and follow the traffic signs in order to improve the road safety in a community. Highlights five consequences of failure of road users to obey road signs in Tanzania 

Road Signs/Traffic signs are symbols near the road which give information or instruction to the road users and tell the road users on how to use the road properly. 

Road signs carry the message for road users through symbol, shapes and colors that will help the road users to be free from risks and accidents occurred on the road. 

The following are the consequences of failure to obey road signs;

Occurrence of road accidents. It may cause road accidents which cause the death and injuring to the people

May occurrence of traffic congestion. They will be unnecessary traffic jams, especially where roads intersect


There may be the absence of equal rights to the road users. They won’t be equal rights to road users, example pedestrians may lack their rights

It can lead to the loss of lives and damage of the property. This may occur due to the road accidents

Increase of cost to repairing damaged properties and treating injured people. The government and people will have to spend too much money to treat the victims or cost in repairing the damaged properties

4. The police traffic reports have given us a picture of the problem of road accidents in Tanzania. Suppose you are the road safety ambassador in Tanzania, assess five factors which lead to the increase of this problem in Tanzania

Road accidents are the sudden and unpleasant events that occur on the road when people use the road to move from one place to another. Road accidents may involve car crashes, falling of the vehicles, lead burning of the vehicles and even knocking down pedestrian or cyclists. In many countries in the world, road accidents cost the life of the people. 

However, in Africa including Tanzania the number of road accidents is increasing everyday due to the number of factors as follows;

Failure to obey traffic signs. Some of the road users are ignorant in interpreting the road signs. The lack of awareness of road users about road safety and traffic discipline can result to the occurrence of road accidents.

Reckless and inappropriate driving. Some drivers are careless when driving the vehicles. They driving without caring other road users

Excessive speed on the road. High speed being the main factor because since fast-moving the vehicles are sometime uncontrolled.

Alcoholism to the drivers. Some drivers are driving the vehicles while they have drunk alcohol. Driving while drunk will always result in loss of control by drivers which may result accident.

Overloading of passengers and luggage. Overloading of passengers and luggage may lead to road accidents because it can cause poor function of the vehicles hence accident.

Overconfidence of some drivers. Some drivers are seemed to be courage of driving with overconfidence. This may lead to taking risks while driving and ultimately accident occur

Corruption practices in ensuring the driving licenses. Some drivers are driving the vehicles while they didn’t qualified. They were given the licenses without proper qualification on road safety.

5. Consider yourself as an officer from Ministry for Home Affairs, explain to the community five factors that signify the impacts of road accidents in Tanzania

Road accidents are the sudden and unpleasant events that occur on the road when people use the road to move from one place to another. Road accidents may involve car crashes, falling of the vehicles, lead burning of the vehicles and even knocking down pedestrian or cyclists. 

In many countries in the world, road accidents cost the life of the people as follows;


May lead to permanent disabilities. Road accidents may result to the permanent disabilities to those victims of road accidents

Occurrence of death of people resulted from the road accidents. May lead to the loss of life and severe injuries to the people who got accidents

Destruction of properties resulted from road accidents. Due to the road accidents may lead to the damage of properties such as vehicles, motorcycles and bicycle

Reduction of productive workers. Loss of productive workers in both public and private sectors due to the death resulted from road accidents

Increase of cost to treat the injured people. Large amount of money is spent to treat the victims of accident and repairing or replacing the damaged vehicles and other properties.

6. A recent report in one of the newspaper indicated the dreadful situation of the road safety in Tanzania. Suppose you are the Minister for Home Affairs, propose five key measures to improve road safety in the country

Road Safety refers to the general situation of being safe from danger when people use the road in their journeys to move from one place to another. This situation enables the road users to be free from risks and accidents. 

The following are the measures that can be taken to improve road safety in Tanzania;

Provision of public education on road safety. All road users should be aware of traffic rules and use them accordingly

Provision of heavy punishment to those who violate the rules of the road. Heavy punishment must be provided to those drivers and other road users who violate the rule and laws of the road like introduction of positive fines

Prohibition the use of defective vehicles to some road users. Defective vehicles must be prohibit on the road to carry the passengers and luggage

Maintenance of roads. Roads must be well maintained properly, especially earth roads and gravel roads which will provide smooth running of vehicles.

Regular check-up of the vehicles must be conducted properly. The traffic polices must conduct the regular check- up of the vehicles, especially the public services vehicles such as regional buses

7. The report from the police traffic commissioner in Tanzania indicated that, the magnitude of road accidents in the country have been decreased a lot. In the light of this statement, assess five measures which are taken by the government of Tanzania which show the success to the reduction of the road accident in the country

Road accidents are the sudden and unpleasant events that occur on the road when people use the road to move from one place to another. Road accidents may involve car crashes, falling of the vehicles, lead burning of the vehicles and even knocking down pedestrian or cyclists. In many countries in the world, road accidents cost the life of the people.

However, the following are measures which are taken by the government of Tanzania to reduce road accidents;

There is limitations and controlling of the speed of the vehicles by installing Vehicles Tracking System (VTS). This device was installed to all public vehicles (regional passengers’ buses) to


control and limit the speed of the buses. Currently, all passengers’ buses are required to travel with only 80 speeds to the non residential areas and 50 speeds to the residential areas.

There are frequent check-up and inspections of the vehicles. This is conducted and supervised by the traffic polices in many buses terminals in every region. The defective buses are not allowed to continue with the journey

There is proper maintenance of the roads. The government through Tanzania Road Agency (TANROADS) and Tanzania rural and urban road agency (TARURA) succeeded to maintain many road networks in every parts of the country. Also most of the roads which are link one region and another are tarmac.

There is the provision of punishment and penalties to the reckless drivers and some vehicle owners. There is the infliction of positive fines to be paid within seven days against the faults committed on the roads

There is provision of public education about road safety. This is conducted by the traffic polices especially in the buses terminal before the departure of the buses. The passengers usually are required to report to a police station when there is a violation of rules and regulation of the road done by the driver

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