Physics Form One Topic 1: Introduction to Physics - Physics Notes

Darasa Huru

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Physics is the study of the relationship between matter and energy.

The people who study physics is called physicists

Physics comes from Greek word "physikos" which means "natural".

Matter is anything that has weight and occupies space. There are three states of matter. These are:

1)    Solid: e.g. iron, stone, glass, book etc,

2)    Liquids: e.g. water, milk, ethanol etc

3)    Gases: e.g. hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc.

Energy is the capacity of doing work. For a person to do work he must possess energy and use the energy for doing the work. No energy no work can be done. Physics can be divided into two main categories: theoretical and practical

Theoretical physics

This deals with the development of the new theories. It is mostly practiced through critical thinking and reading books. This is what is taught in the classrooms.

Practical physics

This deals with experimental testing of these new theories, hence; we can say that "physics is an experimental science which creates theories that are tested against observation of the natural world".

Branches of physics

There are many branches of physics, include:

1.    Acoustics – the study of sound and sound waves

2.    Astronomy – the study of universe

3.    Biophysics – the study of physics in living things

4.    Electronics – the study of flow of electrons in the circuit

5.    Geophysics – the study of physical properties of the earth

6.    Mechanics – the study of motion of bodies

7.    Optics – the study of light and its properties

8. Electromagnetism - This is the study of electrical and magnetic fields Relationship between Physics and Other Subject

Chemistry, biology and physics are all natural sciences, but physics is the most fundamental of them all. This is largely because the operations of other natural sciences depend on the application of physics in one way or another. For example: Chemistry: Composition and decomposing of matter involves energy. For Example,

- Cooking stoves, fuel burn to release heat energy

- Insect killers and Perfumes packed in container by compressed which comes out with high pressure


Since biology is the scientific subject, which involves living and non-living things, which may be micro and macro organism, it uses application of physics. For Example,

- Microscope which made by physicist is used to observe micro organism

- Syringe is based on pressure from physics


Physicist should master mathematics because physics problems may involve calculation


Geography needs many instruments in its applications: for Example, Rain gauge, wind vane and hygrometer are developed by physicist

Barometer which used to measure the atmospheric pressure made by physicist

Applications of Physics in Real Life

The knowledge of physics is applied in different areas like homes, hospitals, banks, industries, airports, communications, etc.

At home

All tools and machines used at home are made by using physics: For example, Crowbars, Hammers, door handles, cutlery, hinges, car jack, pulleys, TV, radio, iron etc

In medical field

Machines such laser, x-ray, incubators, ultrasound and infrared machines are invented by Physicists

Proper handling and correct use of these machines are based on the knowledge and skills acquired in Physics.

Source of energy

All sources of the earth energies are explained in physics, For example

Batteries and generators provide electrical energy

bulbs they provide light energy

In transport

All vessels used in transportation are the results of the concept of physics. For Example, cars, ships, aero plane, trains etc..

In communication

All devices used in communication systems are the results of concept of physics. For Example, telephones, modems, television, cables etc.

In entertainment

Physics enable people to enjoy a variety of leisure activities, games and photographic films, for example, digital appliances, exercise machines and other sport equipment.

In industry

Physicists have been able to come up with tools and process that have resulted in advanced technological equipment and new discoveries.

In schools

The instruments and apparatus used in school laboratories are made through the application of physics principles

Importance of studying physics

1. It enables us answer different questions about physical properties of matter, e.g. why the ship floats on the sea while a small stone sinks?

2. It enables people to acquire skills that are required in different professions like engineering, teaching etc.

3. It is used in manufacturing different items which are useful in our daily life, e.g. electric devices, machines, etc.

4. Physics develop a logical and numerate mind.

5. Physics makes our work easier for instance, use of cars, aero planes, washing machines, calculators etc

Exercise 1

1. Define Physics.

2. Define the following terms

i. Matter

ii. Physicist

3. Mention and explain three branches of science.

4. What are the career opportunities for physicists?

5. Mention four sea transport vessels that relay on the laws of physics

6. Mention any two forms of energy and explain how they are useful in everyday life.

7. Why it is important to study Physics?

8. Write down five domestic uses of electrical energy

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