Plays, Novels and Poetry NECTA Guiding Questions – O Level

Darasa Huru

Welcome to our website, in this article you will find Plays, Novels and Poetry NECTA Guiding Questions – O Level, How to answer questions on Novel, Plays, Poetry, Questions on Poetry, Questions On Novel, Questions on Plays, NECTA Based Questions on Novel and Plays


  1. Using two novels you have read under this section explain how the behaviours of some characters affect the welfare of the majority in the society. (Give four-point s from each novel).
  2. With reference to two (2) novels or short stories, analyse the sources of conflicts the writers present.
  3. Using two novels show how the authors have portrayed the struggle made by women in struggling for their rights.
  4. Using two novels or short stories you have studied under this section show different messages the authors present. (Give four points from each reading).
  5. Using two novels or short stories you have studied under this section prove that in any literary works, the titles enable the readers to understand the message the writer wants to convey. (Give four points from each reading).
  6. Describe two (2) characters from the novels you have done in this section (one from each novel) that you liked very much and explain why you liked them.
  7. "It is hard to fight against HIV/AIDS because people's minds are corrupt". Discuss the statement using one novel and Tanzania experience
  8. Choose two (2) characters, (one each) from any two plays you have read and appreciated and show how they resemble and differ in terms of life experience.
  9. "Women play social obligations in a society though others do not honour their deeds". Verify this statement using two plays prescribed. (four points).
  10. The playwright depicts the experience of their own society but the issues tend to be universal. Justify this contention using two (2) readings (four points from each play.
  11. " Conflict is inevitable in any society" but the intelligent individuals find the good ways to solve them. to use two plays, you have read show the validate this above statement.
  12. Suggest lessons which can be drawn from the two plays you have read under this section.
  13. Choose eight characters, four from each of the two plays you have studied and discuss their roles to the societies.
  14. Use two plays you have studied under this section discuss how some traditions, customs and beliefs contribute to misunderstandings and under-development in a society. (Give four points from each play).
  15. In African societies, there were divisions among members when referring to issues of modernity. Discuss the statement with examples from two of the prescribed plays.
  16. In many situations one finds disagreement between representative of characters who strives for changes and those who are conservative. Prove the truth of this statement and show out the lesson we learn from each situation by referring to the play "The Black hermit".
  17. With reference to the play "The Black Hermit", discuss the role played by the protagonist in relation to your society and the world at large.
  18. Show how characterization has been used by any playwright under this program to bled with the plot of the play.
  19. In most cases, the playwright determination is to strive against injustice and build a just society. By using the play "The Black Hermit" verify the statement.
  20. Characterization is one of the artistic devices used by the playwright through which their respective audience can understand the story. Use any reading you have read to verify the statement.
  21. Choose only two characters from this book you have read and show their similarities and differences.
  22. Use two plays you have read to show how leaders in our societies can misbehave in their duties and responsibilities. Give three points from each play.
  23. Use two novels to prove that" Love affairs is a deadly weapon to kill youths' future expectations. Give three points from each.
  24. With reference to two novels studied, show how the titles are related to the content. (3 points from each novel).
  25. . By using two plays studied analyse figures of speech used by playwrights to deliver the message(s) to Tanzanian society.
  26. With reference to any two novels you have read under this section, discuss things you think are not good to be practiced by the future generations (give three points each novel)
  27. Suggest lessons which can be drawn from two plays you have read under this section (give three lessons from each play.
  28. . Poets like other artists have messages to convey to the audience. Discuss this statement using two poems you have read under this programme. (Give four messages from each poem).
  29. The playwrights depict the experience of their own society and time but the issues tend to be universal. Justify this contention using two readings. (Give four points from each Play).
  30. It is believed that bad leadership in many African Societies has acted as an obstacle to peoples' development. Use two novels to justify the statement. (Give four points from each novel).
  31. Conflicts are inevitable in the contemporary society. Explain by using two plays you have read (six (6) points)
  32. Exploitation irk, therefore should be evacuated, discuss by using two main characters of the two novels you have done under this section (one from each novel) six points
  33. Discuss six (6) "central ideas" from the two novels you have read under this section.
  34. "Sacred customs and traditions are part and parcel of life in any society" Use two novels you have read to justify the truth of this. (Give only three points from each novel).
  35. In any Literary work, the writers portray women positively or negatively. Use the two plays you have read to show how women have been portrayed. (Three points from each play).
  36. Using characters from two novels you have studied under this section, analyse bad traits which should not be adapted in Tanzanian context. Provide three points from each novel.
  37. "Literature as a mirror reflects the culture of a particular society". Justify this statement by using two plays that you have studied under this section.
  38. Take two characters one from each book you have read. Discuss how the playwrights succeeded in portraying their similarities and differences.
  39. By using two novels you have read under this program show the things which you think can/might leads to the spreads of HIV/AIDS.
  40. By using two plays you have read explain how some traditions, customs and beliefs contribute to misunderstanding and underdevelopment in the society. (Give three points from each reading)
  41. Titles of books usually reflect or have a close relationship to the main ideas or message found in the book. Use two (2) novels you have studied under Reading Programme, to show how the titles of those books have a relationship to the message given inside the books. (Give three points from each reading).


  1. "In many African societies women are NOT allowed to air their views on important issues including decision making on their own marriage. This culture is not only barbaric, but also brutal. It should be uprooted. Explain by using two plays you have read under this section, on how the playwright has portrayed the roles and position of women in the society. (Six points (3) from each play).
  2. Using characters from two novels read under this section, analyse bad traits which should not be adapted in Tanzanian context. Provide three points from each novel.
  3. Imagine that you have attended a women conference where the topic is "Like men, women are equally capable of contributing to the welfare of the society." Use two plays you have read to prove the relevance of this statement. (Three points from each play)
  4. With reference from two (2) novels or short stories, analyse the sources of conflicts the writers present.
  5. Literature is defined in two terms, the literal term and the literary term. Explain how poetry assumes these two terms to make it a perfect piece of literary genre (Use two poems for your answer)
  6. Use two plays that you have attempted under this program and explain the messages that you get from them and the morals attached to them to their audiences
  7. With the support of two novels that you have attempted as a class, pick two characters, one from each and show why you have a strong liking for them
  8. Use two poems to show poets use poetic devices to deliver their message to the society. Give three poetic devices from each poem.
  9. Referring to two plays you have done. Discuss the functions of literature in the society. Give three points from each play.
  10. Points out the causes of conflicts from two (2) novels you have done. Give three (03) points from each novel.
  11. Like men, women are equally capable of contributing to the welfare of the society. Use relevant examples from two plays to prove the statement.53
  12. Marriage is considered to be an important social obligation in African societies. However, it sometimes leads the concerned parties into frustration. Show how true is this statement by referring to two plays you have read in this course. Give three points from each play.
  13. When we read any work of art, we are expected to have learnt something from it. Justify the truth of this statement by using two novels you have read (Give four (4) point from each.
  14. Playwrights use different characters to portray various issues in their literary words. Choose three characters from each of the two plays chosen and shows how they have been used in portray different issues.
  15. How are women portrayed in the two plays you have read under this section? From the portrayal, how do you think, the two writers view the role and position of women in society? (Provide three points from each)
  16. Using two (2) novels or short stories that you have read under this section, explain the effects of conflicts. (Three points for each).
  17. Falling in love may sometimes lead to conflicts in the society. With reference to two plays you have read under this section, support the statement using three points from each.
  18. Imagine you meet Adyeri in 'Passed Like a Shadow' by Bernard Mapalala and Makalay in 'Unanswered Cries' by Osman Conteh. How would you advise them? Give three points for each.
  19. One of the challenges in today's African ways of life is women struggle for their rights. Show the truth of the statement by using any two (2) plays you have read under this section.
  20. Every misunderstanding has its source. Justify this statement referring to two Novels you have read under this section. Give three (3) points from each novel.
  21. Show with reference from two novels, how heavy drinking causes problems in the society. Give 3 points each).
  22. "Plays are said to be powerful in educating, criticizing and building awareness in respective societies at large". Discuss this statement with reference from two plays you have read. (give any points from each).
  23. With reference to two poems you have studied in this section, comment on the poet's use of language. Give four points from each poem.
  24. Choose eight characters, four from each of the two plays you have read under this section and discuss their roles to the societies.
  25. How are women portrayed in the two plays you have read under this section? From the portrayal, how do you think, the two writers view the role and position of women in society? (Provide three points from each)
  26. Using two (2) novels or short stories that you have read under this section, explain the effects of conflicts. (Three points for each)
  27. Titles of books usually reflect or have a close relationship to the main ideas or message found in the book. Use two (02) novels you have studied under the reading programme, to show how the titles of those books have a relationship to the message given inside the books. (Give three points from each reading)
  28. Authors of literary works portray women as deprived social group. Using two novels you have read, validate this statement with reference to your own society by giving six points (three from each).
  29. Choose two characters from two plays you have done under this section (one from each) and explain their positive contributions to their societies using three points from each.
  30. With the support of any two plays you have read under this program, persuade your society on how you benefit from reading literary works. (Give 3 points from each play).
  31. 12. "Tittles of books usually have a close relationship to the content of the book". Use two novel you have read to reveal the fact of the statement. (Give 3 points from each novel).
  32. Explain on the characteristic features of a play, which make it different to other literacy genies like novel and Poetry.
  33. Explain on the things, which are to be considered in the criticism of poems.
  34. With the help of example from two (2) texts (plays), discuss three positive and three negative effects brought about by the coming of Europeans to Africa.
  35. Titles of books usually have a close relationship to the main ideas/messages found in them. Use two novels o show how titles of hose books have a relationship to the message given.


  1. "Some customs, traditions and belief accelerate the rate of misunderstanding as well as underdevelopment in the society".
  2. With reference to any two (2) novels of your choice under this section substantiate the above statement.
  3. "Choose two characters from two plays (one from each play) you have done and show how their determination and efforts helped to bring changes in their societies.
  4. Bad leadership cause conflicts, difficult life, hatred, poor discipline and the like. When people who are led get tired, they usually react in different ways to make sure that their wills are respected. Prove the statement using two plays verify the statement.
  5. Describe two (2) characters from the two novels (one from each novel) that you liked very much and explain why you liked them.
  6. New ideas are ideally good, but sometimes cause misunderstanding among the people in the society. Explain the validity of this statement with reference to four poems of your choice
  7. The writers use characters to portray certain realities in the society. With reference to two plays you have done support this statement.
  8. . In daily human's life, people chase for their dreams, but once the made them failure disappointment is inevitable". Using two plays you have read under this section, comment on the statement. Six points.
  9. "Awareness is the basic tool in problem solving," by using two novels show how three characters from each novel have used their awareness to deal with the existing situation in their societies.
  10. ‶The HIV/AIDS pandemic spread like a burning fire in the forest. Verify this statement by using ONE novel you have read.
  11. ‶A character is a representative of the artist's experiences he/she reveals what the artist thinks and experiencing from his/her society. Choose any TWO characters one from each play to prove the statement above
  12. Referring to two (2) novels you have done under this section, discuss the burning issues portrayed in the two novels, three points from each.
  13. "Play wrights use characters to portray true social, political and economic problems in our today life" Use two (2) plays you have done to justify this statement. For each play provide three (3) points.
  14. . "Poetry is unique comparing to other genres of literature like novels and plays." With vivid examples validate the statement. (Give six points).
  15. With reference to two novels studied, show how the titles are related to the content. (3 points from each novel).
  16. By using two plays studied analyse figures of speech used by playwrights to deliver the message(s) to Tanzanian society.
  17. Novelists write what they experience in their societies that surround them. Show the relevance of this statement by referring to two Novels you have read. Three points from each Novel.

Plays, Novels and Poetry NECTA Guiding Questions – O Level THE LION AND THE JEWEL By WOLE SOYINKA - Analysis

  1. Characters are the best means in conveying the messages to the readers. Choose two characters (one from each Play) from the two Plays you have done and describe why do you appreciate them. Any three (3) points from each Play.
  2. With reference to two plays that you have studied in this course compare and contrast two female characters one from each reading. Give three similarities and three differences.
  3. With reference to two novels you have read under this section, explain how the behaviour of some characters affects the welfare of the majority in the society. Give four points from each novel.
  4. Use two plays you have read to show how leaders in our societies can misbehave in their duties and responsibilities. Give three points from each play.
  5. Use two novels to prove that" Love affairs is a deadly weapon to kill youths' future expectations. Give three points from each novel.
  6. Africa is one in terms of environment and culture. With particular reference to two plays you have read, validate the statement. Give three points from each play.
  7. The personality of an individual is influenced by his environment". With reference to two novels discuss this statement.
  8. Describe the difficulties faced by two of the main characters in any two plays you have read under this section as they tried to build a better future for themselves and their society.
  9. In African societies, there were divisions among members when referring to issues of modernity. Discuss the statement with examples from two of the prescribed plays.
  10. Use two plays you have studied under this section discuss how some traditions, customs and beliefs contribute to misunderstandings and under-development in a society. (Give four points from each play).
  11. Choose eight characters, four from each of the two plays you have studied and discuss their roles to the societies.
  12. Suggest lessons which can be drawn from the two plays you have read.
  13. Conflict is inevitable in any society" but the intelligent individuals find the good ways to solve them. to use two plays, you have read show the validate this above statement.
  14. The playwright depicts the experience of their own society but the issues tend to be universal. Justify this contention using two (2) readings (four points from each play).
  15. "Women play social obligations in a society though others do not honour their deeds". Verify this statement using two prescribed plays. (four points each).
  16. Choose two (2) characters, (one each) from any two plays you have read and appreciated and show how they resemble and differ in terms of life experience.
  17. "It is hard to fight against HIV/AIDS because people's minds are corrupt". Discuss the statement using one novel and Tanzania experience.
  18. Using two novels or short stories you have studied under this section prove that in any literary works, the titles enable the readers to understand the message the writer wants to convey. (Give four points from each reading).
  19. . Using two novels or short stories you have studied under this section show different messages the authors present. (Give four points from each reading).
  20. Using two novels show how the authors have portrayed the struggle made by women in struggling for their rights.
  21. With reference to two (2) novels or short stories, analyse the sources of conflicts the writers present.
  22. Using two novels you have read under this section explain how the behaviours of some characters affect the welfare of the majority in the society. (Give four points from each novel).
  23. In literary works, the titles enable the readers to understand the message(s) the write wants to convey. Verify this statement using two novels or short stories that you have studied in this section. Give three points from each novel.
  24. Children sometimes use force to exercise their freedom from the hands of the parents even when they are thought to need parental care. Using two plays you have read provide six points three from each play.
  25. Using any two novels you have done under this section, explain how betrayal leads to misunderstanding to some characters from the two novels you have read. Give three points from each novel to support your views.
  26. Playwrights support what women do on 8th of March every year in memorizing and celebrating their contribution to the success of their society. Argue the statement by providing evidence from each book among two books you have read.
  27. There are three literary genres: poetry, play and novel, but some people fail to contrast play from novel. By using one novel and one play, provide six points that will help them to solve the problem.
  28. In African societies, there were divisions among members when referring to issues of modernity. Discuss the statement with examples from two of the prescribed plays

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