Appreciating our Community - Civic and Moral Education STD III


Appreciating our Community - Civic and Moral Education STD III, download grade three full notes all subjects, class three notes primary schools, civic and moral education standard three Notes free Download.

Taking care of oneself and others

Taking care of oneself means protecting yourself from danger and loving, respecting and showing kindness to ourselves. It means you pay attention to all the things which are important to you.

Ways of taking care of yourself

1. Washing hands.

2. Putting on warm clothes when it is cold.

3. Avoiding taking drugs.

4. Avoiding situations that can endanger your life.

5. Taking care of your body by bathing and brushing your teeth.

6. Protecting yourself against diseases.

7. Not playing with sharp objects.

8. Avoiding bad groups.

9. Not playing with dangerous animals.

10. Following doctor’s instructions when taking medicines.

11. Not playing in dangerous places such as rivers, forests and along the roads.


Benefits of taking care of yourself

(i) Makes you healthy and safe.

(ii) Makes you live a happy life.

(iii) Makes you perform well in class.

(iv) Makes you be active both at home and in school.

(v) Makes you be respected by others.

(vi) Makes you take care of your family friends and community.


Taking care of others

Caring about other people means treating them well and doing good things to them.

Some of the needy in our community are: 

(i) The sick              


(ii) The elderly

(iii) The visually impaired 


(iv)  Children

(v) Orphans   


(vi) Albinos

(vii)  Street children


Ways of caring about other people

We can care for other people in the following ways:

(i) Counselling and comforting them.

(ii) Helping the elderly to carry their loads.

(iii) Helping fellow pupils who are disabled.

(iv) Helping the poor.

(v) Using polite language when talking to them.

(vi) Helping fellow pupils if hurt or sick.

Our environment

Environment is everything around us. It is our surroundings. It includes living and non living things.

Living things are like plants and animals while non-living things are like water, air and soil.

Ways of caring for plants.

(i) Watering them

(ii) Weeding them

(iii) Applying manure

(iv) Pruning them

(v) Trimming them

(vi) Spraying them to control pests


Importance of plants

(i) Source of food.

(ii) Source of timber.

(iii) Source of fresh air.

(iv) Source of herbal medicine.

(v) Home for animals.

(vi) Trees attract rain.

(vii) Gives us shade.


Caring for animals

Animals are divided into domestic and wild animals.

Ways of taking care of domestic animals.

(i) Feeding them.

(ii) Building and maintaining their shelter.

(iii) Watering them.

(iv) Not overloading animals with heavy loads.

(v) Being kind to them, for example not beating them.


Importance of animals

(i) Provide us with food such as milk, eggs and meat.

(ii) Used to carry loads and plough land.

(iii) Provide employment.

(iv) Source of foreign currency.

(v) Provides manure and skins.

Sources of water

Sources of water include lakes, oceans, boreholes, wells, dams, rivers and streams.

Lake Victoria

Uses of water

We use water in many ways such as:

(i) Drinking

(ii) Cooking

(iii) Washing

(iv) Swimming

(v) Fishing

(vi) Laundry

(vii) Farming

(viii) Transportation

Water transportation

Conservation of sources of water

We can conserve water sources by doing the following:

(i) Afforestation and reafforestation

(ii) Not polluting water sources

(iii) Fencing dams and ponds

(iv) Locking wells

(v) Not urinating in rivers and dams

(vi) Keeping animals out of sources of water

(vii) Not farming near water sources

(viii) Sealing leaking taps and tanks

(ix) Not bathing in rivers and dams

(x) Not discharging industrial waste into rivers or lakes


Actions that make our sources of water dirty

1.Bathing in water sources like rivers and lakes

2. Washing clothes in sources of water

3. Urinating and defecating in sources of water

4. Allowing animals to drink water directly from rivers and lakes

5. Throwing waste into sources of water

Building good relationship

Relationship is the way people are connected or associated to each other. It is also the way people in the community interact with one another. We should build good relationship with others.

Ways of building and maintaining good relationship

(i) Being humble and polite to people

(ii) Using polite language

(iii) Loving other people

(iv) Respecting others and their property

(v) Giving gifts

(vi) Controlling your temper

(vii) Visiting others

(viii) Being kind and cooperative

(ix) Giving others time to talk in a conversation

(x) Apologizing when you wrong others


Importance of good communication

Communication refers to sending and receiving messages or information. We need to communicate with others in a respectful way. Expressions that show good communications are like: Thank you, I am sorry, I beg your pardon, and Forgive me, please. Good communication is the basis of good relationship.

Importance of communication

(i) Creates good relationship.

(ii) Maintains friendship.

(iii) Builds and maintains unity.

(iv) Builds love and respect.

(v) Prevents quarrels and conflicts.


Participating in solving other people’s problems

Problems that our friends have can be classified as following:

(i) Social problems

(ii) Health problems

(iii) Academic problems

(iv) Psychological problems

(v) Economic/financial problems


We need to participate in solving problems of our friends. We can help our friends and other people by:

(i) Comforting them.

(ii) Counseling them.

(iii) Defending them.

(iv) Reporting their problem to the authority.

(v) Giving them our time.

(vi) Helping them in times of difficulties.

(vii) Sharing our things with them.

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