Being a Person of Integrity - Civic and Moral Education STD III

Being a Person of Integrity -  Civic and Moral Education STD III, civic and moral education primary school notes free download, Download darasa la tatu notes, Primary school class three notes, Grade three full notes PDF All subjects


A person of integrity is one who is honest and has strong moral principles. He/she behaves well in the community. He/she does not get involved in immoral or unethical activities.

A trustworthy person is one who can be relied upon and is truthful. He /she does the right things even if no one sees him/her.

Actions that build trust.

1. Being truthful.

2. Talking well about others.

3. Does not use anyone’s property without permission (not stealing)

4. Working hard with minimum supervision.

5. Returning whatever was borrowed from others.


Qualities of a trustworthy person

(i) Respectful

(ii) Honest

(iii) Consistence

(iv) Caring

(v) Selfless

(vi) Keeps secrets

(vii) Keeps his words

(viii) Transparent


Actions which damage trust

(i) Gossiping

(ii) Being selfish

(iii) Telling lies

(iv) Envy

(v) Betrayal

(vi) Being selfish

(vii) Misjudging others

(viii) Criticizing unfairly


Benefits of being trustworthy and transparent

Being trustworthy is a state of being trusted or reliable.

Being transparent means being open.

Benefits of being trustworthy and transparent in life are as follows:

(i) Makes one have peace and happiness in life.

(ii) Makes one have good relationship with others.

(iii) Makes one get help when in problem.

(iv) Makes one be confident of others.

(v) Makes one be trusted with bigger responsibilities.


Acts of betrayal to others

Betrayal is act of revealing information/secrets of a friend to another person. A person who betrays others is called a betrayer. Betrayers are not trustworthy.

Acts of betrayal include:

(i) Hatred

(ii) Hypocrisy

(iii) Jealousy

(iv) Cheating

(v) Exposing secrets of others

(vi) Being untrustworthy

(vii) Selfishness

(viii) Spying on others

Effects of betrayal

(i) Misunderstanding among people

(ii) Quarrel among people

(iii) Creates enemity among people

(iv) Ends friendship or marriage

(v) Damage of property if war breaks out

(vi) Death

(vii) Lack of trust

(viii) Fighting

Fulfilling responsibilities with transparency and honesty

We should be transparent and honest when performing our responsibilities.

Transparency means openness. Honesty means trustfulness, not cheating or telling lies.

We should be truthful in all the duties we do.


(i) Admitting mistakes done.

(ii) Doing exercises or examinations without cheating.

(iii) Washing utensils thoroughly and rinse them.

(iv) Fulfilling promises made.

(v) Drivers driving carefully and obeying traffic rules.

(vi) Respecting others being kind and caring.

(vii) Returning borrowed things in good time.


Actions that show transparency and honesty

(i) Paying back what you borrowed.

(ii) Fulfilling promises.

(iii) Giving honest evidence in cases.

(iv) Being trustworthy.

(v) Admitting mistakes.


Acts of cheating

Cheating is a bad behaviour of telling lies. Effects of cheating include:

(i) Expulsion from school

(ii) Being killed

(iii) Being taken to jail

(iv) Hatred

(v) End of friendship

(vi) Loss of property

(vii) Shame

Standing up for other people’s rights

Rights are what we are supposed to get.

To stand up for other people’s rights means to fight for their rights.

We need to support other people so that they too can enjoy their rights as shown below:

Help children to get their right by supporting them:

(i) to go to school

(ii) to get healthcare

(iii) to participate in decision making

(iv) to get basic needs

(v) to get time to play

We should report those who abuse children’s right to the relevant authorities.

We stand up for adults’ rights by reporting those who abuse them to police and other relevant authorities.

Responsibilities of a child

Responsibilities are things that we are supposed to do. The responsibilities of a child are:

(i) Helping parents/guardians by doing light work.

(ii) Taking care of family property.

(iii)Respect parents and other people.

(iv)Taking care of oneself.

(v)  Making the environment clean.

(vi)Respecting the rights of others.

(vii) Going to school to learn.

(viii) Completing work given by both parents and teachers.


Injustice done to children

Injustice means treating someone in a bad way. Bad things done to children include:

(i) Denying them the basic needs.

(ii) Denying them education.

(iii) Denying them time to play.

(iv) Favouring one gender.

(v) Giving them heavy punishments.

(vi) Involving them in child labour.

(vii) Denying them opportunity to express their feelings /ideas.

Human rights

A human being starts enjoying some rights in the womb when fertilization takes place.

Human rights are freedoms and rights that a human being deserves to get regardless of age, gender, race, religion, social status or language.

Human rights include:

(i) Right to participate in politics.

(ii) Right to belong to a nationality.

(iii) Right to work and receive reasonable pay

(iv) Right to own property.

(v) Right to marry.

(vi) Right to be free from slavery.

(vii) Freedom of worship.

(viii) Freedom of speech.

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