Being Responsible - Civic and Moral Education STD III

Being Responsible, Being Responsible - Civic and Moral Education STD III, Full notes grade three, Download Notes Grade Three Free, PDF Notes Being Responsible - Civic and Moral Education STD III free download.

Meaning of Responsibility

Being responsible is to fulfill duties or to behave in a manner that shows you have discipline, commitment and accountability towards what you are doing. It means doing the right thing at the right time and place.

Responsibility is a duty that one has to fulfill his/her duties. A responsible person/pupil does the following.

1. Protects school and family resources.

2. Respecting parents, teachers and fellow pupils.

3. Takes care of his/her belongings.

4. Does his/her duties with little supervision.

5. Obeys laws and regulations.

6. Takes care of the environment.

7. Studying hard.

Protecting the resources and interest of the country

Resources are things that we use to make our life better.

There are natural and manmade resources.

Natural resources available in Tanzania are:

(i) Minerals

(ii) Water bodies

(iii) Land

(iv) Forest

(v) Wildlife


1. Minerals

Minerals are substances that are formed naturally underground. The activity of obtaining minerals from underground is called mining. Examples of minerals found in Tanzania are gold, diamonds, Tanzanite, limestone, salt, coal and copper.

Ways of conserving minerals

(i) Mine carefully and sustainably.

(ii) Use modern mining methods.

(iii) Use mined minerals carefully.


2. Water bodies

Water bodies include lakes, oceans, seas and rivers.

Ways of conserving water bodies

(i) Harvest and store water.

(ii) Avoid farming near water bodies.

(iii) Not bathing or washing in lakes or rivers.

(iv) Using water carefully.

(v) Making drinking troughs for animals.

(vi) Maintain and repair water systems.

(vii) Using good fishing methods.

(viii) Not cultivating near water sources.


3. Land

Land is made up soil and rocks. On the land we grow crops, build houses, graze areas animals and dig minerals and oil.

Ways of protecting land

(i) Planting trees or grass.

(ii) Using good farming methods.

(iii) Not pouring chemicals into the soil.

(iv) Not overstocking and overgrazing.

(v) Practicing afforestation and reafforestation.

(vi) Practicing soil conservation.


4. Forests

A forest is an area covered with many trees. Trees give us timber, fresh air, shade, attract rain, source of herbal medicine, firewood, fruits and raw materials  for making paper and other things.

Ways of conserving the forest

(i) Using other sources of energy.

(ii) Avoid burning forests.

(iii) Obeying laws governing use of forests.

(iv) Use other materials for building.

(v) Preventing bush fire.

(vi) Educating people about the importance of forests.

(vii) Caring for young plants.


5. Wildlife

Wildlife refers to animals found in their natural habitats such as national parks and game reserves.

Animals in a national park picture

Ways of conserving wildlife

(i) Tightening security in parks.

(ii) Fighting corruption and poaching.

(iii) Fencing national parks.

(iv) Banning use of wildlife products.

(v) Preventing pollution of parks.

(vi) Vaccinating endangered species.


Advantages of conserving national resources

(i) Creates employment.

(ii) Source of foreign currency.

(iii) Brings development.

(iv) Enables them to be used for long.


National interests

National interests are country’s goals and ambitions she wants to achieve. They are connected to economy culture.

Tanzanian national interests include the following:

(i) To use resources carefully and be strong economically.

(ii) To enable resources to be used for a long time.

(iii) To remain a peaceful country.

Managing school and household tasks

Task means work or a responsibility one has to do. We need to balance between home and school work.

Children’s responsibilities at home

The following are the tasks children should do at home

(i) Assisting parents in doing light work to generate income.

(ii) Protecting and conserving our environment.

(iii) Going to school.

(iv) Respecting the elders.

(v) Keeping the environment clean.

(vi) Taking good care of the sick.

(vii) Taking care of family property and resources.

(viii) Observing personal hygiene.

(ix) Taking care of the sick family members.


Pupils responsibilities at school

The tasks which pupils should do at school include the following:

(i) Respecting teachers and their fellow pupils.

(ii) Doing their class work.

(iii) Cleaning their environment.

(iv) Playing good and healthy games.

(v) Obeying school rules.


Benefits of being responsible (fulfilling our responsibilities)

(i) Doing domestic and school tasks make parents and teachers happy.

(ii) A sign of being obedient.

(iii) Makes work easier at school and home.

(iv) Makes children/pupils be respected.

(v) Prepares children to be responsible citizens/parents.

(vi) Makes them to be good citizens.


Disadvantages of having irresponsible children

(i) Makes parents and teachers unhappy.

(ii) Poor performance at school and home.

(iii) They end up being irresponsible adults.

(iv) They delay school and family development.

(v) Cause stress to teachers and parents.

Obeying laws and regulations

Rule is something that people have to obey. Law is a rule or set of rules that everyone has to obey. Regulation is a rule or a law. It controls how something is done. Laws and regulations are made in parliament.

School rules are made by schools. They tell the pupils what to do and what not to do. Examples of school rules are:

1. Do not come to school late.

2. No fighting at school.

3. Do not bring food to school.

4. Use English in communication while in school.

5. Take care of school resources.


Those who break school rules should be reported to the class teacher.

Home rules

1. Respect all family members.

2. Greet visitors.

3. Do not be late from school.

4. Do not waste or damage family resources.

Being self-disciplined

Self-discipline is the ability to do the right things even when there are challenges.

Self-discipline comes through self-motivation.

Characteristics of self-disciplined child / pupil are as follows:

(i) Respects all people.

(ii) Uses polite language.

(iii) Hard working.

(iv) Organizes his /her work.

(v) Works under limited supervision.

(vi) Has a habit of studying regularly.


Advantages of having reading habit

Advantages of having reading habit include

(i) Academic improvement.

(ii) Improvement of language/vocabulary.

(iii) Being informed.

(iv) Kills boredom.

(v) Develops talents

Collaborating in performing household and school tasks

Collaboration means working together with other persons or people.

The other word for collaboration is cooperation.

Working with others at home

Things that we can do together at home include:

(i) Feeding animals.

(ii) Mopping the floor.

(iii) Cleaning the compound.

(iv) Weeding crops.

(v) Watering flower gardens.

(vi) Fetching water.

(vii) Washing clothes.

(viii) Washing dishes.


Working together at school

We can do the following things together at school.

(i) Cleaning the school compound.

(ii) Studying in groups.

(iii) Sports and games.

(iv) Playing together.

(v) Working in different clubs.

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