Fee Structure Jordan University College (JUCo) 2024/2025

Fee Structure Jordan University College (JUCo) 2024/2025 for All courses offered by the College, JUCO Certificate Fee Structure, Juco Diploma Fee structure, JUCO Bachelor Degree Fee Structure, JUCo Masters Fee Structure, JUCo PhD Fee structure

The religious Superiors of the congregations working in Tanzania agreed early on with the Salvatorian Mission Superior, Fr. Andrew Urbanski, SDS, that there was need for an Institution of Higher Education for their Religious members - especially for those who felt a calling to the presbyteral ministry. 

To the great satisfaction of all concerned, preparations for such an institution began at Kola, in the town of Morogoro in Tanzania. 

Discussions concerning this project were initiated at the annual meeting of the Religious Superiors Association in Tanzania (RSAT) in 1988. 

Some time later it was clear that there was a need to have both a Philosophical and a Theological Department at the proposed institution.

JUCo Certificate/ Diploma Programmes Fee Structure

Jordan University College Fees structure for Postgraduate Diploma Programmes

Jordan University College Fees Structure PhD Programmes

Jordan University College Fee structure & Schedule of Payment for Bachelor Programmes

Jordan University College Fees Structure for Masters' Programmes

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