National Symbols - Civic and Moral Education STD III

National Symbols - Civic and Moral Education STD III, download class three notes, civic and moral education full notes free download, National Symbols Notes Civic and Moral education

Loving Tanzania and cherishing her values, symbols and origin

Tanzania is officially known as the United Republic of Tanzania. This is because it is made of two countries. Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to form Tanzania. Each country gave four letters from her name to form the name Tanzania.

The union took place on 26th April 1964. The leaders who formed the union were Julius Kambarage Nyerere and Abeid Amani Karume.


Promoting the history of Tanzania

History of Tanzania goes back to pre colonial time and after colonial period. A nation is a group of people who have the same language, history, customs and live in the same part of the world.

Tanzania National symbols

Tanzania National symbols are the signs that identify her. They include:

(i) National Flag

(ii) National boundary (Map of Tanzania)

(iii) National currency (Tanzanian shilling)

(iv) Coat of arms

(v) National holidays

(vi) Presidential flag

(vii) National anthem

(viii) National constitution

(ix) National language ( Kiswahili)

(x) National animal (Giraffe)


(a) Tanzania National Flag

Tanzania National Flag has four colours which are green, yellow, black and blue.

National flag


ColoursSymbolic meaning
GreenNatural vegetation
YellowNatural resources
BlackBlack people (African’s) of Tanzania
BlueWater bodies in Tanzania

The flag is raised at 6:00 am and lowered at 6:00 pm in the evening in the following places:

(i) Schools

(ii) Colleges

(iii) Government offices.

It is raised half mast when death of top government leaders or disaster which has claimed lives of many people occurs.

The national flag should be respected in the following ways:

(i) Standing at attention when it is being raised or lowered.

(ii) Keeping silent when it is being raised and lowered.

(iii) Do not use it to wipe anything.

(iv) Do not let it drop on the ground when it is being lowered.


Importance of the National Flag

It shows that:

1. Tanzania is an independent country.

2. Shows presence of Tanzania top official in another country.

3. Shows participation of Tanzania in an international sports event.

4. Shows death of an important person or many citizens when hoisted half mast.


(b) The map of Tanzania

Tanzanian map identifies the country as there is no other country in the world with the same map. The map shows the area of Tanzania that is:

(i) The territory of Tanzania

(ii) Where the rights of citizens start and end.

(iii) It shows the area of responsibilities of citizens.


(c) National currency

Tanzania currency is called Tanzania shilling. Tanzania currency divided into notes and coins. Notes are paper money and coins are metallic money. Tanzania currency is controlled by the Bank of Tanzania (BOT).



Uses of Tanzania currency

(i) Used to buy goods and paying for services.

(ii) Used to pay taxes.

(iii) Used in paying debts.

(iv) Used to pay salaries to civil servants.


Acceptable and legal ways of getting money

(i) Doing business.

(ii) Through employment as salary.

(iii) Through loans and donations.

(iv) Inheritance from parents and relatives.

(v) For commercial promotions and legal gambling.


Ways of showing respect to national currency

We show respect to our national currency in the following ways:

(i) Handling with care.

(ii) Not writing or drawing on them.

(iii) Keeping in a safe place.

(iv) Not scratching the coins.

(v) Not playing with them any game.

(vi) Not putting them in water.

(vii) Not throwing them away.


Importance of a national currency

(i) Shows that the country is independent.

(ii) Used to buy goods and paying for services.

(iii) Shows economic power of a nation.

(iv) Shows our natural resources.

(v) Reminds us of our leaders.

(vi) Identifies a country.


(d) The Coat of Arms

This is the badge of our nation. It is also known as the National Eemblem.

The Coat of Arms was designed by Jeremia Wilson Kabati at Bwiru in Mwanza in 1961. It is believed it was drawn by Francis Maige Kanyasa (Ngosha).

Coat of arms

Components of the national emblem

 SymbolsSymbolic meaning
1.Man and womanGender equality and cooperation between the two genders
2.Elephant tusksWildlife resources of Tanzania
3.Sword and spearDefence and security
4.Yellow portionMineral resources of Tanzania
5.National flagIndependence of Tanzania
6.Red portionFertile soils/ riches of Tanzania
7.Blue wavy linesWater bodies like lakes, rivers and ocean
8.Uhuru torchUnity, love and hope
9.Axe and hoeTools of production
10.Mount KilimanjaroThe pride of Tanzania. Highest mountain in Africa
11.Uhuru na umojaFreedom and unity (National motto)
12.Cloves and cottonCash crops grown in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar

Places where coat of arms is found

On all government buildings such as courts

National currency

(i) On passports

(ii) On all government documents

(iii) On presidential flag

(iv) Official vehicles used by top government leaders such as president, vice and prime minister


The significance of the Coat of Arms

(i) A seal of the government.

(ii) Identifies the country.

(iii) Symbolizes freedom of Tanzanians.

(iv) Shows unity and solidarity of Tanzanians.

(v) It is the national badge of the country.


(e) National Holidays

National holidays are special days that the nation remembers important events that took place in the nation.

The government recognizes religious and some international holidays. People do not go to work on these holidays.

Our national holidays

Zanzibar revolution day12th JanuaryEnd of sultan rule in Zanzibar 1964.
Karume day7th AprilAssassination of Karume-1st president of Zanzibar 1972.
Union day26th AprilTanganyika and Zanzibar united in 1964.
Sabasaba day7th JulyFormation of TANU in 1954.
Nanenane day8th AugustFarmers contribution in the economy
Nyerere day14th OctoberDeath of –Julius K. Nyerere, the first president of Tanzania in 1999
Independence day9th DecemberTanganyika got independence in 1961
Republic day9th DecemberTanganyika became a republic in 1962 and got her self-internal government


Importance of National holidays

(i) Opportunities to relax body and mind because people don’t go to work.

(ii) Reminder of National history, Independence, Republic and Revolution of Zanzibar.

(iii) Trade promotion Sabasaba and Nanenane.

(iv) Honouring our heroes like Nyerere and Karume.

(v) Recognize the contribution of workers.

(vi) Reminders of important events.

(vii) Gives opportunity for national worship.

(viii) Showing talents and improving them.

(ix) Promotion of culture, e.g. songs, dances and dressing.

(x) Entertainment - makes citizens be entertained.

(xi) Makes us united as a nation.


International days

New Year is celebrated on 1st January every year to mark the beginning of a new year.

Labour Day is celebrated on 1st May of each year. It is also known as workers day. It is celebrated to mark the contribution of workers.


Religious Holidays

A: Christian holidays

(i) Christmas is celebrated on 25th December to marks the birth of Jesus Christ.

(ii) Easter holiday to mark the death of Jesus (Good Friday) and resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday which is extended to Easter Monday.


B: Islamic holidays

(i) Eid el Fitr marks the end of Ramadhan which comes in Islamic 9th month.

(ii) Eid el Hajj marks the end of pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

(iii)Maulid Day marks the birth of Prophet Mohammad.


(f)  Presidential flag

Presidential flag


This is the flag used by the president of our country. It is also known as presidential standard.

It has two colours, which are green and blue. Green is the main colour and blue is for the stripes around it. It has the Coat of Arms at the centre.

The presidential flag can be seen on the following places:

(i) In the President’s office.

(ii) On the President’s car.

(iii) At the state house.


(g) National Anthem

This is the official song of our country. It is mainly sung in Kiswahili language. It has two verses.

People must stand up at attention when it is being sung as a sign of respect.

It is a our prayer that asks God to bless Africa, African leaders, African people and African children.The second verse is a prayer for Tanzania, her people, children, men and women.

The National Anthem is sung on the following occasions:

(i) At the assemblies in schools.

(ii) When Tanzania sports team is playing against another team.

(iii) Before and after the presidential address to the nation.

(iv) When top government officer visits another country.

(v) On National days.

(vi) When a top government leader dies.


Importance of the National Anthem

(i) It is a prayer for the Africa, Tanzania, African people and leaders.

(ii) It is a prayer for wisdom unity and peace.

(iii)  It is a prayer for blessing for Tanzanian people and children.


(h) National Constitution

A constitution is a book that contains the basic laws that are used to rule a country.

The constitution gives all the top leaders powers to perform their duties.

It makes the country to be ruled according to law.


(i) National Language

National language is the official language used by citizens of a given country for communication. Tanzanian National language is Kiswahili.

Importance of Kiswahili as national symbol

(i) It unites Tanzanians.

(ii) It differentiates our country from others.

(iii) We show respect to it by speaking it fluently and correctly.


(j) National animal (Giraffe)

Symbolic meaning of a Giraffe:

(i) It is one of the wild animals found in Tanzania’s national parks and game reserves.

(ii) Its long neck represents ability to be visionary.

(iii) It is the tallest of all animals.

(iv) It is used as a natural symbol to advise us to be able to look back (history) and future development of our nation.

Tanzania national values

National values are customs accepted by people of a nation.

Tanzania national values are

(i) Human dignity: This means respecting all people regardless of their religion, social status, gender or their political background.

(ii) Patriotism: This means having great love for your country.

(iii) Rule of law: Tanzania values the rule of law. This allows all people to be treated equally according to the law and nobody is above the law.

(iv) Transparency: This means openness. All leaders should be transparent.

(v) Accountability: This means being responsible, accountable and answerable for your deeds.

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