Promoting Peace and Harmony - Civic and Moral Education STD III, standard three study notes, grade three notes all subjects, download notes darasa la tatu, PDF Free download class three notes all topics
Meaning of Peace and harmony
Peace is a state being calm, happy and free from worries.
Harmony is friendship or peaceful relationship.
Interacting with people of different backgrounds
Interaction means meeting, communicating and working together with other people.
Tanzania interacts with people from other countries such as:
(i) Kenya
(ii) Uganda
(iii) Rwanda
(iv) America
(vi) America
(vii)South Africa
(vii) India
(viii) Burundi
Ways of interacting with other people
(i) Discussions
(ii) Studying together
(iii) National celebrations, games and sports
(iv) Business
(v) Cultural festivals
(vi) Worship in religious places
(vii) Burial ceremonies
(viii) International meeting
Advantages of interaction
(i) Understanding
(ii) Availability of resources/needs
(iii) Security and unity
(iv) Experience is shared
Collaborating with people of different backgrounds
We collaborate with people from different backgrounds in:
(i) Sports
(ii) Worship
(iii) Places of work
(iv) School
(v) Business centres
(vi) Ceremonies
Concept of culture
Culture is totality of people’s way of life. Culture started with creation.
Elements of culture
(i) Customs: These are acceptable ways of behaving or doing things in a society or community.
(ii) Language: This is a system of communication in speech and writing used by people of a particular area or community.
(iii)Arts and crafts: Art involves putting our feelings in a beautiful way like music and drama. Craft involve using our hands to make things like mats, baskets and carvings.

(iv) Traditions: These are beliefs, customs or ways of doing things that have existed for a long time within a particular group of people.
(v) Recreation: These are activities that are done to refresh people’s minds. Examples are sports like wrestling and bao.
(vi)Beliefs: These are doctrines that people regard as true about different things. For example, believing that people who died long ago can still communicate with those who are alive.
(vii) Religion: This has to do with what people believe about things like God or gods and afterlife.
(viii) Dressing style: This refers to the way people wear clothing in relation to gender, age or different activities, for example dances.
Importance of culture
(i) Teach morals and skills.
(ii) Brings unity.
(iii) Identifies people.
(iv) Source of income through selling products of art and craft.
(v) Source of entertainment.
(vi) Source of household and decorative tools.
Cultural tools of Tanzania
Cultural tools are things which were made and used by people from different societies.
Tools | Types | Uses |
Leadership club | Leadership tools | A sign of leadership |
Axe , hoe | Production tools | Used in production |
Clubs, spear, arrow, shield | Defence and security tools | Used in hunting and wars |
Pot | Household tools | Cooking, storage of water/cereals |
Mortar and pestle | Household tools | Pounding spices |
Drum | Communication/entertainment | Used in communication and entertainment |
Banjo, xylophone, flute | Traditional musical tools | Used in music |
Beads, necklaces | Traditional decorations | Used in decorations |
National culture
National culture is the way of life of people of a given country.
Elements of the national culture include:
(i) Language – Kiswahili.
(ii) History – invasion, colonial rule, independence and other major events.
(iii) Customs – accepted ways of behaving.
(iv) Arts – Bongo flava, Taarabu and Tinga Tinga paints.
(v) Traditions – Friendly people.
(vi) Beliefs – Believe in existence of God.
(vii) Crafts – Makonde carvings.
Importance of the national culture
(i) Unites Tanzanians
(ii) Source of income
(iii) Identifies Tanzania and her people
(iv) Pride of Tanzania
(v) Sources of employment
(vi) Makes us understand our history
(vii) Promotes creativity
(viii) Makes us value our culture
(ix) Skills and history are learnt
(x) Promotes peace
Building Good Relations with other Nations
Good friends and bad friends
1. Good friends
A good friend is the one who:
(i) respects you.
(ii) is generous to you and others.
(iii) is open or transparent to you.
(iv) has good morals.
(v) helps you when you are in need.
(vi) corrects you when you go wrong.
(vii) uses polite language.
2. Bad friends
A bad friend is the opposite of a good friend. A bad friend has the following characteristics:
(i) does not respect you.
(ii) is harsh to you and others.
(iii) hides important information from others.
(iv) has bad morals.
(v) does not help you when you are in need.
(vi) is selfish.
(vii) uses abusive language.
(viii) has bad morals.
(ix) takes things without permission.
(x) does not correct you when you are wrong.
Relationship between Tanzania and other countries
Tanzania has good relations with other countries.
Tanzania offices in other countries are called High commission or Embassy.
The officer representing Tanzania in another country is called High commissioner or ambassador.
Tanzania has good relations with all the neighbouring countries.
Some of the countries neighbouring Tanzania are:
(i) Kenya
(ii) Uganda
(iii) Rwanda
(iv) Zambia
(v) Malawi
(vi) Congo
(vii) Mozambique
(viii) Burundi
Tanzania has good relations with other countries outside Africa such as:
(i) America
(ii) Germany
(iii) America
(iv) South Africa
(v) India
(vi) China
Tanzania’s relations with other countries
- Tanzania and Congo – on oil exploration in Lake Tanganyika.
- Tanzania and Mauritius – have agreement on tourism.
- Tanzania and China – Trade and infrastructure construction.

Importance of international cooperation between Tanzania and other countries
(i) Creates peace with neighbouring countries.
(ii) Creates a market for Tanzanian goods.
(iii) Tanzania gets products and other services from other countries.
(iv) Tanzania gets loans from other countries.