Resources - Social Studies - Standard Four

Darasa Huru

Resources - Social Studies - Standard Four

Meaning of Resource

A resource is anything that has value and is important to people. We can also say that they are valuable things found in our environment.

There are resources that are in villages, wards and districts.

There are natural and man -made resources.

Using resources wisely can:

(i) Contribute to the development of a village, ward or district.

(ii) Make them be used for a long time.

Resources in villages, wards and districts

Village/Ward: Resources in villages and wards are land, forests, livestock, rivers and shops.

District: Resources in districts are land, national parks, factories, public buildings, roads, communication infrastructure, electricity, schools and parking areas.

Man is a resource and controls all other resources.

Common resources

(a) Land

Uses of land are:

1. Growing crops.

2. Building houses.

3. Source of minerals.

4. Construction of infrastructure such as roads, railways and airports.


(b) Water

Uses of water are:

1. Domestic activities.

2. Industrial activities.

3. Irrigation.

4. Transportation.

5. Production of Hydro-Electric Power (HEP).


(c) Domestic animals

Uses of domestic animals are:

1. Source of food.

2. Used in transportation.

3. Source of income.

4. Source of raw materials like wool and leather for belt and shoe making.


(d) Minerals


Uses of minerals are:

1. Source of employment.

2. Development of infrastructure.

3. Development of urban centres.

4. Source of income.

5. Source of raw materials for industries.


(e) Forests

Uses of forests are:

1. Source of timber.

2. Home for wild animals.

3. Source of herbal medicine.


(f) Buildings

Uses of buildings are:

1. People live in them.

2. Factories are in them.

3. Used as offices.

Resources in our ward

A ward is an administrative area that is made up of many village/streets.

Resources in the ward include forests, land, rivers, schools, health centres and parking areas.


Activities that degrade ward resources

1. Unplanned construction.

2. Cultivation near water bodies.

3. Poor farming methods such as monoculture, farming near water bodies and farming down slopes.

4. Poor mining methods.


Ways of conserving ward resources

The word conservation means to keep or to protect something from being destroyed. We can conserve ward resources by:

1. Educate people that it is everyone’s responsibility.

2. Establishing by- laws.

3. Protecting resources from people who might vandalize them.

4. Doing cleanliness every end of the month.

5. Prohibit deforestation.

6. Apply modern farming and fishing methods.

7. Encourage reforestation.

8. Employ security personnel to guard resources.


Challenges in conserving resources

1. Pollution.

2. Poor farming methods.

3. Deforestation.

4. Improper disposal of waste.

5. Ignorance.

6. Corruption among some leaders.


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